Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Queen Back Home after Deportation: Accra

Jun 02, 2018.
    From April 13 to October 5, 1983, the Queen Elizabeth II was made deporting her son from London, Cheam he was kidnapped to Niger, where he would be deported and kept hostage. After October 05 the Queen left Prince Charles, the heir to the throne hostage in Diffa, she went back London after touring the neighbouring countries of the Sub Saharan African countries.
       After leaving Diffa, the Queen took a plane to Bornu, Nigeria the neighbouring Nigerian State only few hundred miles from Diffa. She visited with Prince Charles many Nigerian states until Lagos the capital from which she took a plane to Accra, the capital of Ghana. All those visits were put in 1950s perspective with the Queen and Prince Philip. The putting in 1960s perspective was done with cars, planes, people and places as they were in 1983 puts in 1960s perspective. For example, the Queen and Prince Philip made up and dressed in such perspective in other words they wore dress of the 1950s style fashion style.

     Nevertheless, the visit of Accra is central in this cover up of the deportation cover up tour of Queen Elizabeth. Ghana is the first British colony to get its independence from our Kingdom in 1957. The cover up visit though done in October 1983 was filmed as done in 1961 and presented as so. The greatest notable point is the fact that the visit of The Queen is put in perspective of England invading Scotland especially at the beginning of the presentation of the footage before is covered up by Scotland invading England, it was neutralised and then put in Scottish perspective. The footage is a masterpiece of the council division of our Kingdom..  
The idea of England invading Scotland was done with the first scene of the visit filmed from the right side, Eastward to leftward, Westward because on a map, England is on the right side, when Scotland is on the left.  This idea of invasion of Scotland is shown with the satellite camera filming Accra as it was in 1983 from left to right. O but please attention to the fact that the video was edited in 2014, there are many scenes that were filmed in 2014, though the essential of the visit is filmed in 1983.
                                                                       The footage on 0:12

                                            The footage on 0:14

The airport of Accra was filmed also in this right-left perspective to convey the idea of England invading Scotland.
                                                The footage on 0:10
                                                                    The footage on 0:14
The idea of England invading Scotland is done such way also to cover it up with council or the Royal Family visiting Scotland after leaving England. Because the faces and the bodies of the people making the trip were shown as having English and Scottish shapes.
(picture 0:12)
                                        The footage on 0:12

 Then the goal is as well to assimilate the deportation travel of Prince Charles, the heir to British throne as a classical travel of the Queen from England and Scotland.Then the idea of Scotland invading England was done with scene from 0:15 to 0: 24).
                                                                                ( 0: 15)      
                                                          0:24 of the footage         
  The conveying idea of Scotland invading England is done with also faces and people looking as Scottish in Ghanaian perspective are shown walking from right to left.  And the council through Pathe News has covered up against with the idea of England invading Scotland from 0:33.
Then faces were shown in a tribune sitting and looking as Scottish and English looking the left side were shown, meaning the council defending falsely Scottish interests is ruling England. The filming was done in perspective of neutrality and fight between England and Scotland is shown on  0: 39 with two Ghanaians Royal leaders where shown greeting each other, by shaking their hands vigorously with a man dress in white tradition royal Ghanaian white dress is shown.

                                                                       The footage 0: 14
                                                              The footage 0:43
     The last picture intended to close the chapter of the division of Great Britain with the two brothers England and Scotland invading one another with the council presenting its falsely in Scottish perspective in the last picture with the Ghanaian Royal Chief who have in Ghanaian perspective Scottish face. It is after putting the visit in this fictive context that the visit of the Queen started properly. The footage is a typical characteristic of the council politics of diving our Kingdom to defend its illegal regime while only defends its criminal interests. Still though the greatest part of the division ends there, it continues as the all visits is put in this divisive perspective by showing the different elements either moving from left to right and vice versa.
On 0:54 the couple Nkrumah is shown standing and welcoming Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. It is to be noted that though Kwame Nkrumah (The council uses its influence to have Nkrumah's Wikipedia page written in the sense of confirming the false visit of 1983 that is presented as that of 1961 and nowhere can you see easily pictures and videos of the real visits of 1961.) is dead 1972 when the deportation in Accra is simulated done in1983.  
       Nkrumah’s regime was toppled after a military coup and he lived exiled in Egypt with his wife. It is people looking like them that were selected and on whom superficial plastic masks of both were placed. Then the division continues once again with the couple Nkrumah shows dress in white and blue: Nkrumah has a white coat while his wife as a blue dress. It needs no imagination to see that Nkrumah has an English body, and his wife a Scottish body. Though both stood looking the right side, the division has been amplified with Nkrumah presented as English is presented ruling Scotland, when the blue intends to present Scottish as romantic.

      It is then that on 1:10 the BOAC plane transporting Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip is shown stopping on the runaway of the airport with Scottish and English body shape people who were shown standing to welcome them. It is to be noted that the council uses its influence to have the Queen flying in the BOAC to put the deportation in 1960s perceptive because the company has been then dissolved in  British Airways in which the Queen usually travels then.
                                                                      The footage  1:10
   On 1:20 Queen Elizabeth II is shown welcome by Nkrumah, with Her Majesty was made make a very inappropriate gesture to Nkruma with her eyes, in a kind of effort to please him, though the all is hide in the Queen kind of presenting her excuse to him for something.
                                                                           The footage   1:26                                                                                                                                    
            Then the controversial scene is shown, here are Queen Elizabeth II dressed in white, Prince Philip dressed in white and Kwame Nkrumah dress in white as well. The white colour is a colour of purity, and power in tradition as well as in symbol. The council dressing the person that carried the plastic of Nkrumah with white coat though the Queen is dressed in yellow intends to put an image of the power of purity in Nkrumah head of State, not as a Monarch with divine duty, as God’s Deputy on earth. The fact that Prince Philip is dressed in white only entered in logic of denuding women of their puritan power.(Picture of Queen Victoria)

    Our Kingdom had many female Monarchs who was pure and great than any male Monarch and sometimes which is in most of the case greatest than the males Monarch. Where is Queen Elizabeth I, the Virgin Queen? Where is Queen Victoria one of the greatest Monarch our Kingdom ever have.  Would it be Nkrumah by himself he would never wore a white coat to welcome the Queen regarding our Kingdom great history with Ghana, that we colonise.  The Ghanaian neither would tolerate him disrespecting the Queen The council wrote the script of the visit and gave this role to the man that played. That is a proofs of the falseness of this footage.
(picture of Nkrumah in 1961)

                                                                                                          Nkruma in the footage on 0:52                    
                                                                                                      From Ms. Nkrumah, their daughter and Kwame Nkrumah
 A picture of the real 1961 visit of the Queen in Ghana. You see how the real Nkrumah respected the Queen he even holds Her Majesty the umbrella.

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