Wednesday, June 6, 2018

What is the council?

Revised on Jun 0, 2018.
                           Here is a question of 1 billion pounds, dear comrades and readers.
     It is a group of high rank officers in our English army. Its origin is dated back to the 18th Century mainly, especially with the reunification of the two crowns: the English and British crowns. Though before that down to the 16th Century they existerd as witnessed the confusion created by Cromwell, who by himself since then was pupated by the same council. Their faith was linked to that of Cromwell and its ephemere Republic. After the restoration of the monarchy, there were totally discredited. They then became an underground secret organisation, kind of political and military sect. They became then isolated; hated and persecuted by the different crowns for the threat they represented for our country.
    It was the reunification of the two crowns that refresh them, and giving them new elan with the help of the Scottish System, regarding many points. For example they are the one behind the American independence. Moreover, they were behind also the French revolution. 
    The council became a serious threat to our country, its unity, progess in the 19th century during the reign of Queen Victoria. They manipulated writers as Carl Marx to criticised and ruined the mercantilicist capitalist system we set in the world. They created political parties in our country as the Labour Party which originally was created by them for the purpose of runining the mercantilist and capitalist spirit in our country that makes of our country, the greatest country on earth. Though gradually with time they lost their total control on it.
    They created many associations, and political parties to set a socialist orientation in our countries that goes with all their anti crown and anti great Great Britain rethorics. That is how graddually as a virus, they invaded our British body in all its components from the army, to the political class, to intelectual class. 
   They sink our country and the world in fighting two world wars, 1914 and 1945 only with the goal of achieving their goal of carrying their coup, and taking the throne in Great Britain. The two wars were the one with which they arrive to make America a world super power and achieving thein goal. 
  The new rhetoric or refreshing orientation they gave to rebuild their power, was putting their divisive and destructive movement in the account of the English with Scottish who could not spouse for ideological reason proper to their Scottish root the monarchic Great Britain. That rhethoric is false because before the reunification of the two crowns, Scotland was also a Kingdom, a monarchy. But, they go with divisive rethoric, through propagadan, and political manipulation. Then from the 18th Century they transformed their movement in an English Scottish movement for transforming our country in Republican. But to achieve their goal they have to take control of the supreme power in our country  (The Crown) that would enable them to reach their goal.
   As soon as they have it they destroyed systematically the Royal Institution; its values, just as they use the latter to destroy our country because with time they came to make another reorientation. That new reorientation came after they conclude that they could never take control totally our country and having the supreme power, and by relying to it (English and British) transforming it in Republic, just as ruling it. Why the reason is simple, in our country the power is with the monarchy, mileniums successions of Kings and few Queens all tied and continued each others, and enriching the new power. Whereas, they always have dark underground casual power, and lost control of the country since the 17 century with Cromwell. So, you see they can never compete in terms of power in England, Great Britain and the world in the British System all that go with the crown, or if you want the patriots and the real Royalist. That is why they decided to use the system of proxy ruling by using another country to rule our country. At the begining they use America that they made powerful for the purpose; and then destroy and created China, Russia as countries as indirect mean to rule our country, when they see the patriots developed their power in America and come to have more power than them in America.
   Their power is then young, fragile and always superficial as only older of Queen, Elizabeth II reign behind whom they are and ruled through her. And even with their coup in 1949 they have just few power; the essential was controlled by the real; King; King George VI who continues ruling as the Royalist. Whereas though controling the Queen they continue their Republican agenda consisting of destroying the Royal Institution from within, and transforming graddually our country in a Republic. So, the global English, British System and network of power have always been with the patriots and the Royalist.
     Is the council and its extended Republican movement opening to all?
  The council as leading body of the movement of the Republicanism is only opened to English with Scottish ancestry and that in conformity with their 18 Century geopolitical orientation. Even here; you have to be a rank English officer with Scottish ancestry. Because; the movement has transformed itself in a military movement in the ruling. But; the extended Republican movement is opened to all no exception, either English; British, or citizen of any country of the world.
    To survive throughout times, they transformed themselves in armed rebelion with civil components having their networks of intelectuals, artists, politicians. Then they see that will not allow to reach they goal, they integrate the English army, and reforming their leadership body on the assess of their members former command or high rank leadership position in the army.
    That is how currently, the council is made up of High rank English officers with Scottish ancestry, who occupied once the position of Chief of General Staff of the English army. Then all the living, English Chief of General Staffs who have Scottish ancestry are in the council. Nonetheless, in the extended council there are intermediate and average High rank officers. Currently, the head of the council is  Nick Carter. Or let say the person that replaces him in (the person that wore plastic mask of him to play his role); Carter after his death last week.
     From the moment they arrive to control the Royal Institution through, Queen Elizabeth II; they had easiness to appoint theirs at the supreme positon in the English.
     How did the council maintains itself for so long on power?
     In fact the council first attempt to infiltrate our manarchy was with Edward III. As soon as they took the power through him, the patriots refused them to take control of our throne and destroy our country. With the help of the Scottish; the arrive with King George VII to have the throne.  Of course; they are in casual partnership with the Scottish, but do not share the same agenda, and are mainly opposed especially regarding Great Britain; England; Scotland nature as countries. The council wants them weak that goes with its interests of using proxy states to control them. So, since they have limited and indirect influence in King George VI's regime, whose wife, Elizabeth Bowes Lyon was Scottish.
    Nonetheless, they continue their long times politics of division, by dividing the Royal Family and the support behind the King regime. They formed a coilition with the Scottish System to organise a palace coup in 1949 that set Elizabeth Mary Alexander as Queen in 1952. With the palace coup they used Queen Elizabeth and her sons and daughters in the Royal Family sympathising to their cause to carry out the coup. Already, since King George VI as their power was rising; they managed to start the process of destruction of the royal Institution by flouting the rules that regulated monarchial life in our country. For exampl, King George VI came on power having only two daugthers, Princess Elizabeth, and Princess Margaret. All the male progenitures of the monarch were not reported publically as his sons. So that the one to succeed him would be a woman, Princess Elizabeth. The males progenitures who have rights to the throne were given compensations. For example Prince Philip the eldest son, of George VI was made husband of the Queen, John Jason was made the unofficial King of Galvest, a rich American county with lot of British controlled oil exploitation companies and Prince of Wales was promised by the council, succeeding their to Elizabeth II. To make Prince of Wales next King, he was covered up, son of Elizabeth II. Then after the 1949 coup, a transitory monarchy was set with the same King George VI and  Mary Alexander as the natural successor to take the reign of the power in 1952, by declaring the King dead, when alive.
  That is the procedure through which they had the power. Once; they had it, over the years they fought to strength their power by defeating the same Scottish that helped them, get the power, through Queen, Elizabeth II that they controlled. That was after the patriots the pressure on them to have, Queen, Elizabeth II having her true heir the throne as our Constitution sets, by giving birth to her own biological son, Prince Charles, who will succeed her.  
     Then in 1983, they plotted to kidnap and keep hostage Prince Charles. In the same year, they strength their power, with the then head of the council, John Stanier married in option, Queen Elizabeth II. As they saw that with years, she was strengthening her reign and emancipated herself from them.That was the political union between Queen Elizabeth and her support in the army (the council with its republicanism ramification) that strengthened both interests. Then the council became the sole master of Elizabeth II's reign after putting aside with this union tying their alliance, the Scottish System, and the little support of the patriots that she enjoyed before. Few months later, they had a surrogate daughter.    
   Then, from 1983 up to 1997, Queen, Elizabeth II only support is the council. To stay on power after kidnapping the Prince heir to the throne, she plays it loving and respecting her father, King George VI, and promising freeing his son. She plays the same sound, every single year, next year we will free him if you accepted to let Jacob Jack (Prince of Wales) becoming King, when it comes they said next year again up to 1989. This year they move in the option of transforming the Prince, kidnappers as his parents and keeping him hostage as longer as the patriots did not accept Jacob as the next King. 
    After the death of my father in 1997, the council made an alliance with the Scottish System in their backing, Queen Elizabeth's reign. In 2007, Queen, Elizabeth II emancipated a little bit against the council, but still was under their influence. And recently before the Cenotaph of Rememberance strengthened her relation with the council; and together they even attempted to gradually that day the power to Prince of Wales. The decision was decisive and opposed by the British as meaning putting in bracket our country Constitution; the Queen died during the confusiong of the attack to prevent this passassation of power. That was on November 12, 1987.
 Then, the only one and main support of Elizabeth II's reign is the council. The council members are the one who have the realities of the power, as she was even almost obliged to let and collaborate in the kidnapping; deportation and hostage keeping of her son in 1983. Moreover, almost all the important decision of her reign were taken by the council. And at many regard by herself is systematically their hostage from the beginning of her reign till the end.  
    Then Queen, Elizabeth II and the council are tightly linked. In fact John Stanier the before 2009, head of the council daugher get married and had grandoson, their progenitures with that of John Stanier offsprings with her main wife  are currently ruling as Norway, Darnmark and Sweeden Kings and Royal Family. In fact, John Stanier before his death John Stanier was King of Danemark, Sweeden, and Norway. It is one of her daughter; Margaret that is reigning currently on Danmark as Margaret II. Do not lost of mind that those Kingdoms, are naturally and lawfully in the assess of British interests as gained by British means. However, the council made them, their own possessions. For example; in Niger on one of the symbol of the hostage keeping of Prince Charles in Niger, is SATOM a Norwish company controlled by the council that controls the country.

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