Wednesday, June 6, 2018

        Jun 06, 2018.

 Prince Charles baby in the arm of Prince of Wales, Prince Philip is standing first left, John Jason Jack is last, and our father King George VI or Jack is sitting.
                                                                     Prince Charles left with Zara Philip in Balmoral in 1982 with our parents.

                                                                Prince Charles hostage in Niamey in January 2018 in airport, Niamey. 
       Prince Charles is born from King George VI and Queen, Elizabeth II on August 30, 1981 in the Belgian Room of Buckingham Palace.Though know by few among you, Queen, Elizabeth II came on power after a silent military coup in 1949 against her father, King George VI. She was helped by a military council made up of high rank army officers from Scottish ancestry, in our English army. This council aims clearly to destroy our country, and uses division as mean to stay on power. Helped by the two World Wars that changed the political map of the world, they draw an imaginary country made of England-Scotland-America. Not, controlling England they need to destroy it for America to grow as super power that it would use to fulfil its aim. Here is how they had our country loses its colonies in the 1960s, and joined the European Union that made us lost our clear and distant voice; and planetary influence in the world. It is then that the English and British patriots led by King George VI refused to observe our country being destroyed. Especially, when the council aims clearly to have illegally someone who does not have right to the throne succeeding Queen, Elizabeth II, we mean Prince of Wales who was not her son. To achieve that the council refused her to have her own son that would succeed her. In fact the real objective of the council is transforming our country in Republic that they want to lead, and depriving our country from its soul and heart being the monarchy.

                                                          Prince and his mother, Elizabeth II in 1981.
                                                      Prince Charles in the hostage airport, Niamey
From left to right, Manur, Prince Charles, Mday (Inusa), and Usuf in the hostage keeping area in front of Inusa's house less than 100 yards from the house I was kept in airport, Niamey. A picture of January 2018.
                         Prince Charles in the same place and the same day mentioned with the group picture. 
                                                   Prince Charles in the same place. 

    From left Prince Charles, Zara Philips and my mother, Elizabeth II in Balmoral in 1983.      Prince Charles and Zara Philips in 1982.
                                 Prince Charles left, Queen Elizabeth II, and Zara Philips.
    The patriots arrived to have the council making Queen, Elizabeth who was then childless having a son from King George VI and her that would succeed her. It was the conciliating position they found to let her ended her reign. That is how Prince Charles; was born to succeed Queen, Elizabeth II and saved Great Britain. 
     Nevertheless, the council never accepted that it kidnapped Prince Charles in Cheam London on April 13, 1983. Plotted with the then French, American and Russian President to deport Prince Charles in Galveston where he was kept hostage from April 14, to April 17, 1983 the day they simulated a violent kidnapping of the Prince to deport him in LA where he was kept hostage from April 17 to September 30,1983 that deported him in Diffa, Niger where since then Prince Charles is keeping hostage in the country by the council with the same mercenaries that it used to kidnap him in horrible and inhuman conditions for a British Prince heir to the throne, and now the British King George VII as his mother was dead on November 12, 2018.  
     After the death of Prince Charles's in 1997 the council thinks that it had total power and illegally decided to call Prince of Wales that they want to succeed Elizabeth II as Prince Charles; the only one has right to the throne.   
                                          Below is Prince Charles Nigerien passport
Please attention to the fact that the prince picture on the passport has been reedited to have his face look like his hostage keepers Oscar and Iren Samson. Still it is reedited such way he looks himself: Prince Charles. The number of the passport 08PC29154 means with the 08 that it may work both ways as Prince Charles we may declare him so, or as the false and criminal Hassane Issoufou. It means the passport is both true and  false depending our interests.
                               Prince Charles Nigerien identity card currently working.

  Here is the passport with which Prince Charles was deported on Setempber 30, 1981. This passport was shown during the Paris step over before the Prince was put in a Nigerian Airways aircraft for Niger.

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