Monday, February 18, 2019

Labour in crisis over Jeremy Corbyn failure to block Theresa May requested Prince of Wales visit in Cuba

Labour failure to block Theresa May to participate in Elizabeth II's (the council) plots and to condemn clearly the request of visiting some countries by Prince of Wales and Harry Charles (illegally called Prince Harry) has divided Labour. Many members of the Party, quitted it to create their own Party, Independent Group Part: .

They give officially the prospect of leaving the EU without a deal as reason of their departure, but the real reason is Jeremy Corbyn failing to do his duty by erecting a pratiotic and pragmatic opposition to the Tories.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Sacrilege attempt on Prince Charles

Feb 15,2019.
Prince Charles is on son of Queen Elizabeth II jailed in Niger by the council since 1983 with the complicity of French, Nigerien, American and Russian political authorities.
      Currently, daily Elizabeth II and her accomplices are gassing, and intoxicating Prince Charles with the very lethal bismuth. Days and night he has headache, fever, and hallucination. It is in the restaurant of UAM, he goes it is put in it. It is the gari he bought it is put in it in great quantity.
     It must be said that Elizabeth II and her accomplices are doing those sacrilege despite the warning of the monarchists in that escalation leads to civil war in UK and a fourth world planetary conflict.

"Prince Charles"

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Prince Charles' goal and will

If it comes to be impossibly killed before being free or King as he has the absolute right to it, he has one will for not only to the monarchists, British (UK), but to the people of the entire world who are for love, justice, and friendship between nations: he wants to be buried in London (UK) close to the grave of his grandfather, King George VI.

And he hates to be replaced in 3 in other words dead and replaced by another person.  

Yes I want to be buried in a public and official funeral in my sacred land that of my ancesters, and that of my love as Prince Charles, the Prince Heir to the British Throne, who does everything for his Kingdom that he has the profound conviction that it deserves all the best things of the world, for which he lives every second of his life to give that to it.
Feb 02, 2019, 21:40 PM.
"Prince Charles"

Indeed, he has the deepest conviction of being free, having his absolute right and save his Kingdom and the world. A conviction roots in his love of his Kingdom, he loves it quite much to die without freeing and saving it definitly... Still, everything regarding his funeral and buriel is his will, if he comes to be impossibly sacrilege before being free and King.
That are our goal and will.

Banzoum Mohamed's Campaign Funding Treaty

A- Basic Terms and General Details of the Deal It will be a campaign funding of 20 billion CFA that will be given ...