Friday, June 8, 2018

Prince Charles' Manifesto

March 21, 2018.
    Prince Charles, the real and unique son of Queen, Elizabeth II is currently keeping hostage in inhuman conditions by the council in Niamey, Niger. His life is rhythem by the council's torture; humiliation and killing attempts.
  The future King George VII's writes a Manifesto to detail how with his reign, he will give to our country the super greatness at was her for centuries. In this fascinating document; he explains the guidlines and the different realisations of his throne.  
     Always for the matter of freeing and saving our Kingdom, we will post you; part after part this Manifesto. In rememberance of Big Ben that the council stops in its attempts to reverse the Brexit, the will of our Subjects, we named sometimes King George VII's Manifesto as Big Ben Should Continue Ringing. At the beginning the idea of writing his Manifesto comes even in writing to demand the not stopping of this historic clock. United Kingdom and a London without Big Ben ringing is a pretty fleshy body without soul...

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