Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Saint George in London in rememberance of all those who lost their lives on May 19, 2018.
May 27, 2018.
    By the same way the council has prepared option of covering up Prince Charles as son of Princess Diana and one of its African mercenaries. It has also prepared to kidnap him as son of white couple, or multi-racial couple of Diana and an African American with one of the mercenaries as his optional father. The criminal propaganda version of Charles white and her son, pictures were posted on her Facebook account: Irene R. Johnson Prince Diana Facebook Account .
      She posted lot of pictures of Prince Charles on this Facebook account most of the time dress as a woman shooting in pictures with her in various places of Texas.                                                           Princess Diana and Prince Charles in 1982                                                                  
                                                             Princess Elizabeth 
          As you can see a wig has been place on the young Prince head in order to cover him up as a girl. It was placed such way to have him look like son of Princess Diana with who his face is totally different. Diana also adopted a given smile with her teeth outside that intended to distort her face to make it looks as that of Prince Charles with the wig and that of Charles’ mother also to whom his face look greatly.  Even with that you see quite well that the two faces are different with Charles’ nose opens, when Iren’s is long and pointed. The teeth of the two are different as well. No one can pretend not to see that, the picture was taken in dark yellow and orange environment to make Prince Charles’ eyes turning kind of red orange as that of Princess Diana. Nonetheless the light effect is not the only reason of the awful colour Charles has taken, his eyes colours were transformed such way with computer software as Photoshop. The blue shirt that was put on his body to mean that we have prepared an option of presenting Charles as an American son of Iren. Indeed, it is to be noted that Iren or Princess Diana call her as you want, under the influence of the council has changed her identity at birth to take a false one that presented her as a white American with black root from Louisiana and Latino origin. Her name Iren was changed in Irene to which Rosa a common sounded Latino name was added. To complete the name her father’s name John was changed in Johnson. Her new name was Irene Rosa Johnson. She is not the only one to undergo the same change of identity. Her entire family has changed its identity for example John Jason changed his name John in Johnson.

                                             Princess Dina and Prince Charles in early 1983        
                                                    Queen Elizabeth II and her son in 1982.
If Prince Charles’ mother and Princess Diana look alike somehow though different at many angles, it is because Princess Diana was Queen Elizabeth II’s nephew. Still as you can see, both are different regarding the form of the nose, and even of the face, Diana has pointed and round face, when Prince Charles’ mother is rectangular and pointed. The noses are as well different, Charles’ and his mother’ nose are opened comparing to Iren’s pointed nose that she tried hardly with any success to open looking like that of Prince Charles’ and his mother’s by laughing largely. The eyes and eyelids are as well different as you see. On the picture of Charles and Diana, the young Prince carries a white and yellow shirt on which it is written US, though it is USA, and the A was between the armpit. The lying of her hand on the wall intend to make the connection with 1979 Austin picture. The message was we prepared an option to present her as they dress Charles in female, daughter of Princess Diana who laid her hand on Oscar Wild, to suggest a sentimental relation between the two. The yellow shirt mean as well we might present her as the daughter born from Diana’s pregnancy as she was simulated pregnant with the yellow dress in other words as white with black and white parents. 
    In this picture Charles’ eyes were rendered brown both with the light and software. The kind of wall that separated the picture’s plan in two with kind of red and black flowers was used by the council to mean we were since 1979 preparing to kidnap him and we were still on our plan. The firm hand on the wall means we are determined to do so.
                                                            Prince Charles and Princess Diana (1)       
                          (L-r) Prince Diana another girl and a woman (2)                                                        
         In this picture (1) Charles was well dressed in female, with the wig and even with the short trouser that he was cloth with. Still his naked and firm tights show he is a male. In his hands he was asked to carried a kind of red and black dolls.  With them the council means the picture was taken in the same spirit of him son of Oscar and Iren as they prepared the option. Beside, meaning that we are still on our plan of kidnapping him. The kind of string of pink colour, she carried made reference to the 1979 Austin picture in which she wore a yellow dress to suggest being pregnant.  It intends to mean we attempt to play it as he is the child of which she was pregnant. Here also she laughs such way to have her face different of Prince Charles’ being alike. 
    In (2) Diana and another woman were shown keeping between their two bodies a girl who looks like a Latino.  Of course we must not forget that indeed Diana was pregnant in 1979, though the yellow cloth intended to make her belly larger more than she was with her pregnancy which was of something like 2 months. She gave birth of a girl with blond hair . The girl that was between the two women’s bodies are still, Prince Diana’s daughter who then was around 4 years old. The picture means also we have prepared an option of declaring Prince Charles’ kidnapped and replaced by her daughter. (Picture of Diana’s daughter) 
    The same picture (2) was used to mean that we are also still with our plan of kidnapping and presenting him during the deportation as son of Princess Diana and Oscar or one of the two remaining African mercenaries that were recruited.
                                                    Prince Charles and Princess Diana (1)  in the middle 1982     
                                              Prince Charles in a green shirt in the arm of Diana in 1982 (2)
    The two pictures were taken in the same period. In (1) appears Prince Charles real flat face, and Iren smiling with all her teeth out to look as the young Prince and his mother as well, but the difference between the two faces still appear. Her face is of a pointed flatness when Charles has a quite flat face. With that picture the reference is made also to 1979’ picture. With a software especially toward the neck and arm her body was brightened and Charles’ part was a little blackened with computer software kind of Photoshop that aims to tell still we are preparing the half caste version of the kidnapping. 
  The (2) shows Charles’ back head, and Iren’s, the council intended to present her as looking alike when different as you can see. That picture with the man in black cloth on black horse intend to mean we are still determined to kidnap him in half caste version. And the horse and him looking in the middle combine with the long tower means we are resolute regarding the kidnapping.
    In one word the council means that it was ready to kidnap Prince Charles hide in a boy or girl by using Princess Diana, and the other mercenaries as his false parents to which the other members of his Family would join.
                                                 Prince Charles deep with his father Prince Philip in 1983 (1)   
                                                     Princess Diana and a African American soldier (2)
    The (2) underlined that in fact Prince Charles was not kidnapped, but was victim of a Palace coup as Diana was in the car and the soldier out, that led to the deportation and imprisonment of the second personage of our Kingdom. Endless picture in the same Iren Facebook account with the name Irene R. Johnson backed this affirmation. This picture completes also the idea of deporting Charles by presenting him as half cast son of a false couple of their mercenaries. Nevertheless, the council as we said it has lost its influence, and is isolated especially since November 12, 2017 and even before. More than ever it lost the remaining few power and influence it had on May 19, with the tragedy that happens with the explosion that kills all the 600 people inside the Chapel Saint George, and many other hundreds that were outside it. Many members of the Royal Family died in this tragedy among which there are Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, Princess Sophie, Princess Anne and many other members of the Family that attended this sinful and illegal wedding. 


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