Thursday, March 5, 2020

Supreme mockery. Nothing can’t be more hurtful (15 things you don't know about the King's imprisonment)

March 5, 2020.
       Jailed in a house hide by agents control by foreign representations who ask them to behave toward him as mercenaries; gather in pattern of cover up false family, the enemies of the King launched a propaganda intending to present his guards as his parents.    Nothing can’t be more painful. The all being to mock him; through him his Kingdom, his loyals and all inhabitants of the world fighting for justice. The all is as morally wrong, shocking, and shameful as refusing to believe the Jews genocide.     Those persons are doing such baseless thing when the King is in the middle of the incarceration and is more than ever suffering of it.
   Here are points to recall you how baseless and shameful their word of assimilating the King's guards as his parents are:   
1. Oscar Wild and Iran Samson the main guards of the King, never married, though a false document is forged by the defeated cartel to depict them wed.
2. Oscar Wild and Iran Samson never have sex, though they were cover up as married. Their, relation is purely professional imprisoning the King.      
3. Each of them are paid at the end of every month and they are quite well paid. For example Mr Oscar is paid with the extravagant amount of around £10, 000.          
4. When the King was young they behave toward him the worst way possible without any respect to laws. They humiliate, torture him physically.     They beat and bully him.  Many times Mr. Oscar was pushed to tell him he is not intelligent, he forces to pass classes by studying too much.  They aim to discourage him and have him quited school.

                            Queen Elizabeth II and Louis Mountbatten

5. Mr.  Oscar, was pushing when he was a kid to behave toward him such way to have him understand that he is jailed. He displays clearly his genitals, while sitting.          
6. Sick, they show any compassion to him. Mr. Oscar is pushed to bully him over his sickness by saying he is not courageous. When they (his guards) sickened him by intoxicating him with bismuth, gassed him with nerve agents as sarin or tabun under the order of their commanders.  Irene Samson bullying is the  greatest . When the King is sick she complains over the King's death. She said as I am not Muslim; I do not go to the mosque; and according to Islam if you don't pray you are not buried with praying.  The King jailed never forget his identity and Christian Faith. 
7. Kid, the King jailed was not bought any toy. He is not given breakfast (it is only when he goes at school that he is given after endless complain few coins to emphasize his imprisonment nature. Those coins were not enough even to have a proper food. On the other hand to frustrate him, they give his class mates a reasonable amount of money for their breakfasts.
8. The flat  in which the Prince was jailed were almost non equip. Those houses are in clay, and in the best case in clay and cement. They have just the bare minimum for a jail. Few chairs and a bed on which his guards sleep. To point out the Prince his imprisonment, they made him sleep on a mattress lie down on rough floor.   The hay mattress deteriorated considerably his skin.
9. The guards as any guards spend any coin in the management of the jail. The meager cost of the imprisonment are paying by the defeated cartel and its allies responsible of my imprisonment.  
10. The guards are in second contact with the circle responsible of my imprisonment. The different consulates and Embassies involved in my incarceration  (the country jailing me are mainly America, France, Russia through their Embassies) create a circle of representatives in CCFN for managing my incarceration. 
11. The different countries leading the King's imprisonment demand their agents jailing him to torture, humiliate and attempted killing him. Whenever they want blackmail the British government, or humiliate the British Subjects they just order the King's torture. It is the same when they want take revenge on UK.  
12. Since the beginning of his incarceration, Prince Charles is jailing in killing perspective that mean concretely every second they gas, intoxicate him to make him being between organism weakness and sickness; such way he might die any second.  They, have been doing that the last 36 years.
13. Every second, the Prince is following by their agents jailing him either on streets,  or any other places he went. Niger and especially Niamey is transformed systematically in an open sky jail. The agents cover up in civilians are asking to enforce the killing perspective. Aeroport's neighborhood has been built since 1975 to jail me. As soon as my mother decided to have a son. They start building the area to jail me inside it. The house is surrounding by houses only fill with secret agents cover up as civilians and organize in pattern of families. Most of those secret agents are Nigerien. Almost all of those houses have undergrounds dwell by British, French, American and Russian secret agents leading the Nigerien secret agents regarding the imprisonment. All of those secret agents are armed with sophisticated weapons.    Aeroport is one of the poorest and undeveloped neighborhoods in Niamey. It is a giant suburb with the majority of the houses in red clay. It has been built a kind of fortress. It has a serious infrastructures problem. Aeroport has one clay road in very bad state. 
14. There are three tours monitoring every second the imprisonment.  The, main tour is occupied by the circle which HQ is in CFFN Jean Rouch. The circle is made of  French, British, Russian, American, Nigerien and EU secret agents for forming a unify body to carry out the incarceration. America and Great Britain have their own tours to monitor the imprisonment. The main tour have even drones and cameras without any hiding those cameras are directing toward the jailing house.  In fact, all the tours have cameras which sometimes are used to burn the King with infrared.    
15. The tours control are great at an extent they dictate the food to be prepared in the jail. To humiliate and torture through the King the British they demanded to be put in the Prince's food vaginal liquid and currently urine.  There are also the different  blackening antibiotics, blackening substances and the nerve agents.

      Louis Mountbatten

NB: 1. Those are 15 reasons to show how in inhuman and degrading conditions the King is jailed. Many more details of the imprisonment will come in the same fashion of 15 points as this article.
2. Louis Mountbatten, if King George VI was not dead in 1952 it is him.
                    'King George VII writes this article'

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