Thursday, March 5, 2020

The King is jailing in inhuman conditions

A collections of pictures giving you a glince in the King's inhuman conditions from the jail in Aeroport to the FLSH of UAM where he used to go.

              King George VII in FLSH , Psycho Club (Dec 2019 picture)

                                         The bed's side of the King's cell

     Indeed here is the bed in which he sleeps, endless times he repairs and every time they pupate Adamou Martin to spoil it again. They even stole his drap such way to oblige him to sleep on the rough matela and degrading his white skin (2020 pictures.

                                 The other side of the bed (2020 picture)

                              The opposite side of the small cell

         The King in the cell. Never more sad than being jailed in a rat's cave (2020 picture.

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