Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Collective harakiri

March 18, 2020.

We remember that, the viral attack done by the King's network on America (China a country of the King's network retaliates to the viral attack America does on it it) .
. The latter, to reduce the impact on its economy attacked with the same virus its European allies that it made its rivals. Days back at the greatest surprise of all America decided to close its borders to its EU citizens. Of course one will say so that the European countries would not retaliate to the viral aggression.

The black Monday (two Mondays black) American stock market has crashed thing that destroyed the American economy. The country needs cash money, fruit of real work but no groundless money manufactured by governments. America had alienated all its partners from China to South Korea all affected by the viral attacks as well. EU needs all money to stabilize the terrible effect of the locking down of its economy because that is the logical consequence of shutting down countries. You need to go outside for buying, and the shops and super markets need to be opened for you to buy even.

King George VII gave France £300 billion to fight the virus. It proposed to help it with £1 trillion credible and, work produce money at the conditions of the Union fight for the attenuation of his imprisonment, release and crowning. The EU chooses to go with its attackers manipulated by defeated cartel through; America and the remaining G7 countries which for the essential are EU members and the defeated cartel countries. Together they decided to manufactured enough billion as they needed without them producing it from work. We all remember that the defeated cartel is totally broken. That measure does not work because it destroys their economies. But they forget the current world order and economy is leading by the king countries: Russia, China, Iran. They will not along with the remaining countries of the world consumes groundless money from EU, but instead will demand corporations money in their transactions with the EU and America. That will destroy their economies .

   Indeed that will simply destroy their economies because the countries that decided to leave the same economic system they set to the world with the complicity of the remaining countries whic beside Russia a super power do not matter as small economies. It is then the world configuration has totally changed with the non G7 countries, no more the most powerful countries. In fact all the world super greatest economies that created wealth are not in G7 but out of it. Those countries are China, Russia, Nigeria, South Africa, Brazil, India, Saudi Arabia, Mexico in one the Bric. Those countries beside China which is a little bit affected by the viral attack from which it is bouncing back and will bounce back as its wealth is work produce; are almost not affect by the viral attack. Its economy quickly will increase its production rate and replace the miss to win resulting from the viral attack.

    In fact with Europe, US, Canada, Australia close to the world, Chinese corporations will quickly take the market that was occupied by them. Even after closing their borders to the world, they still want the world to fund their luxurious life train while their citizens are sleeping and relaxing in their homes instead of working under the pretext of protecting themselves.

On the other hand, we are far from the 1960s where world countries are in their majority recently independent and America through their former colonizers UK, France and Spain controls those countries armies and force them to fund its life style by buying their debts and bonds without thinking about their own interests. In fact the two countries that can give such option a small and limited success is Great Britain, and France as the greatest former colonizers and both countries though participated in the deal are only 20% part of it, that means they consume 20% of the paper free money. They, decide willing to protect themselves that is why, they put work produced money. For UK, King George VII is the one that decided for such important matter and he said it clearly by no way his Kingdom will participate from far or close in such destructive matter for the Kingdom. Everything Mr Boris promises he does it for himself not for, the Kingdom. Our Kingdom is quite less affected by the viral attack its economy is almost not affect by it as there is not locking down. We do not need to lost our times in transforming papers in banknotes (thing that will destroy our economy if,we do it) instead of working to earn that money. But, we will profit of this massive shutting down to sell to our continental cousins products they need and cannot satisfy the demand due to the viral attack.

In fact fabrication of not work produce money will not work as the rise of China, Nigeria India etc show the weakening of the colonial power influence on them. It shows them enough independent to defend their interests in the new world order post Berlin wall fall, post 2001 and 2008. They, can defend their interests without any concession to their former colonial power.

The best example of the failure of such project is Saudi Arabia though a great Ally of America will not accept such plan. The oil price is low, it needs credible money to buy weapons and to have American favor and,will not use the few money remains to it to by buying American credit or bonds; when the countries is at indefinite holiday and do no more have the global power to be useful to it. It is leaving the middle east for Iran which is right now the leader of Muslim. It controls all the Key countries in the region. This is without Saudi Arabia.

India as well will not accept this money in its transactions with America with products its citizens suffer to produce. In fact the relation between the two countries has never been worst for two reasons : Iran and Pakistan. India refuses not to buy the oil its economy needs for American sanctions, especially when the Iranian oil is cheap. Pakistan, because America support the latter in its conflict with India regarding Cashmere.

Before even this viral attack, countries as China, Russia, India and Iran almost totally abandoned the dollars cheating based economic order where the world is paying the luxurious Americans life style without them working. For example days back Russia blocked the convertibility of its currency especially in dollar. Before even that it does the major party of its exchanges in its currency or yuan.
Such move all will only destroy the EU's and American economies. For example that will force the world countries to avoid buying the few products they still produce as resulting from an input of cheating money. It will lead to the lost of values of the dollar and Euro independently even to the intrinsic lost of convertibility values but the world refusal to use them in their economic exchanges. In fact it will systematically destroy their economy as the culture of work to earn money is destroying, the population will no more invent and innovate things that are quite bad for them.
King George VII asks all his corporations, banks and countries in his influence not to take such money their transactions with them; but to only take money they can trace as coming from the production of a corporations, then work produce money.
  As unthinkable as that is the defeated cartel is using the same Boris Johnson on whom they have some influence and especially Prital Patel who is their pupate to spread the coronavirus in UK and having it killed the British, when the virus is a friendly one.  They introduce endless of their secret agents in the Kingdom to contaminat" the British with the virus and gas them so that their organism becomes weak to the virus and die of it. 
    It is to be noted that the defeated cartel though stupid did not engage its first class control countries in the manufacturing of the cheating money. We mean here Australia and Canada that shows it knows clearly the huge consequences of such practice. 

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