Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Finally he got the coat that frees!

March 17,  2020.

   For almost 7 months King George VII was looking an exchange of less £5 to buy a modest coat, second hand cost. Such kind of coat costs £1. But the defeated cartel made as a matter of death and life preventing him having exchange of few coins for buying the coat. We all remember after weeks of fight of him and his loyals he had an exchange of £5. Not enough to buy trousers and coats when he went that midday of December 22, 2019 at the market "grand marché de Niamey" and bought the following trousers:

Below is on the King the second trouser he bought on this picture of him yesterady in the City Annexe of the UAM campus close to the space wifi.

                       Below another picture the same day.

Below is the King today in the same Space Wifi of Cité Annexe wearing the coat he bout at £1.5 at the same market of Niamey. 


   The King spent all yesterday's afternoon searching a good coat in the grand marché de Niamey, he couldn't find one the different countries jailing him hide all the coats sellers. The only coats they let him see; it is the same effort of bullying him and his Kingdom by showing good second hand coat but at a price which are largely above the market's price for such second coat. The King jailed in inhuman conditions did not have the mean to buy brand new coat. Though he had the money, it is impossible for him to find a real and good new coat due to the same degrading and inhuman incarceration with which even with his money, he cannot buy an article of his choice.  

    It is after spending hours riding in the market in vain that while leaving the market at its gate I found that coat from a sellor under the influence of my network in England. The brand of the coat is even England. 

    As I was leaving the market I saw a car of my loyals in Scotland around Chris Elliot (of course they are not first loyals of the King as Msr Elliot was not first class loyals of the King, then logically those around her weren't. The same Msr Elliot has been awarded of a medal by the defeated cartel to collaborate in the King's imprisonment and even killing attempt. She received it in Buckingham Palace). Though of course, my loyals around her never abandon their King). telling me I could have an Aiga cars that go to the imprisonment area Aeroport at a good price.  Few yards from there a young apprentice of one of those mini bus asked me if I was going to Aeroport I told him, no because of course I have around £1.5 that left after buying the coat; though I could take the bus which fee is £1/5 I refused to take it as with it my small money will be dramatically low. Then I told him, I am not going to Aeroport but to the preceding neighbourhood of Aeroport named Talajé. And I told him, I would take the bus for there, if he would bring me at half the price. He answered me if I don't have change, he would. 

    On the way to Aeroport, close to the rail station of Niamey there was a young man asked by the corporation (Bolloré) active in the King's imprisonment to stand in defient way close to the road with a red trouser and green shirt and yellow sandals. His entire body with the dress and the yellow shoes which is symbol of prescibing killing, was used my the corporation's agents to ask that the apprentice of the bus to play it unfriendly and disrecpectfully toward the King. While the bus come close to Talajé a bus of the corporation over passed the Aiga in which I was to show its determination in that. Thus when the King reach Talajé as he was going to Aeroport by continuing the remaining distance on foot something like 30 minutes from the jail. I asked the bus to drop me at around 200 yards from the last stop of Talajé. As I was leaving the bus from there as asked the apprenticed get out from the other side of the bus and come toward me agressively telling me that I said I would drop at Talajé when there was another area. He was saying that by touching once my hand in a disrespectful way. I told him  but Talajé was just over there, after all  it is the same as the border between Talajé and Aeroport, though the place is named differently but still it is Talajé neigbhourhood. And he could tell me before we reach there the end of Talajé that I said I would drop,  if he didn't logically me for me the place is the continuty of  Talajé.

   It is to be added that the bus station I took the Aiga is in the control of the American network, and my loyal in England negotiate them to bring me there at friendly place, they agree at the condition of them may playing it disrespectfully toward the King, if the other countries jailing the King agrees, to which my loyals said of course said yes on the principle, but is totally against that. But they accepted it for them to bring me there. Effectively on the road as soon as Bolloré car passed, that of my network passed to mean they are against disrecpecting their King and still they continue in attempt doing it. 

   But they did not disprect the King like this without goal, or with any apprentice or bus. The same bus since 2017 almost every single day I leave the house in which I am jailing follow me and its apprentice the same that disrespected me asked me aggressively and disrespectfully if I am going to Aeroport. I do not even answer to him usualy. They take another way, and stop at another place that I passed while heading to market of Aeroport for taking the bus or continue on foot to the Campus. 

    Some days more than 5 places the same bus was made stopping my way and ask me the same question, to which I did not answer. It was only once recently I was fed up by their harrassements and told to the young, that just few minutes I told you I was not taking the bus and you ask me the same question. Of course the bus have cameras that filmed the King from the gate of the jail at around 10 yards from which the same bus stopped waiting me. The bus belongs to the American agents engage in the King's imprisonment and is always full of americans agents they intend to use as false witnesses to attempt cover up the King's sacrilege.

 They daily and systematically film the King for attempting later on the way, if they come to kill the King to cover up his death with the American fuse politics of Joseph Hassane. Indeed since the begining of the imprisonment of the King in  1983 America for the defeated cartel is attempting killing the King to cover up his death so that the British and the world do not know the killing of their King jailed in Niger. America deciding to do so, knowing that it will clearly lead to word war which which he will be the main front of the war and will be totally destroy, as the King's loyals promise it. In attempt killing the King, America was destroyed by the 9/11 attack, by Catrina and endless attacks attributed falsely to terrorists attacks, and endless tragedies attributed to natural disaster as cyclone and wild fire as the recent one in California when the country was bombed with nuclear bombs by the King's loyals in s to their killing attempts of the King still they continue. More than ever America's economy is destroyed and the country is in ireversible recession born of the same killing attempt of the King with the viral attack.

   After leaving the bus and walking on foot in the jail, I found the same agents of the bus in the jail of Aeroport: the driver and the same apprentice that disrespected me dressed as two of Bolloré's agents in my imprisonment respectively Yacouba Grouza and his son Naser.  It is to be added that Mr Gourouza was dead. The driver and his apprentices wore hyper realistic silicone masks and body suit to play criminallly their characters. Then the same agents that transported him close to Aeroport were introduce in the jail he was incarceration. Then they could proceed in the killing attempt of the King as Bolloré  under which control Yacouba Gourouza and his son were,  would collaborate in saying it was they, who saw him in the jail, when it is false. They planed to attempt covering the King 's killing with those false witnesses (of course they just attempt in vain as the King's last wish is as soon as dead to be declared dead officially and bury close to the grave of his father, in London). Few minutes after those agents left the jail they gas the King with a nerve agent and he spends all the night with heart pain. They seek to kill him with heartattack.

 Read some fascinating article about hyper realistic masks:
1. https://www.technology.org/2019/11/24/can-you-tell-between-a-real-human-face-and-a-hyper-realistic-mask-it-is-becoming-more-difficult/
2. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s41235-018-0118-3
3. https://newseu.cgtn.com/news/2020-02-02/Can-you-tell-the-difference-between-a-real-human-face-and-a-mask--NI1xdfC7Cg/index.html

5.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhNFYZGQsHk

    King George VII is planing to wear this coat and take a plane for London on April 15, after he postpone the trip that that he initialy shedule on March 15 due to the fact he did not have the few coins needed to buy the coat. Now it remains to buy shoes, at least 10 times the cost of the coat. He is fighting to have the money.

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