Monday, March 16, 2020

Not workable !

March 16, 2020.

  In the face of the dark Wednesday financial crash born from the coronavirus pandemic ravaage in America, the American Federal Reserve said ready to pay American debts. How workable is such option? This should have as logical consequence the fall of the values of the American dollar, and creating a huge economic crisis for America. The all come as a student who chased from school, self evaluate himself by elaborating a friendly test; treat and correct it himself; and still want the competent administrations and parties in need of a qualified person for a task to take it as credible test for testing his competence.

 Already, since 1974 decision of non convertability of the dollar, many criticised American economic model that they said is based on cheating rather than on  the real economic performances of American economy. That means simply the American federale government will give money to Americans to live without producing it through their work, and still want the world population to take this money as real and credible money. 

   Many persons have made the connexion between Mr Nixon 1975 decision and the 2008 financial crisis that they said not born only from 9/11. But they declared it was the consequences of 1975 famous decision which with the fall of Berlin war and the end of the Soviet Union cannot go longer for the US without dramatic consequences. Since the fall of the wal, there is no rivalry between West and East, for the Western world to accept giving free hand to America to sip their citizens' work, with a currency not relying on work, but only  on its status of standard money, which is in other word a currency supported by the others work, rather than Americans work. 

   Such model needs a strong rivalry and without East West feud,  it does not work. (Beside also needed a great and inconstated super power and influence to assure such money, things that America does not any longer have since 9/11 and 2008 economic crisis, without talking about the current dramatic evolution of the geopolitical situation with the rise of new super power as Russia, Iran, China, India etc. )  Especially when America destroy its relation with big economies as Saudi Arabia who after the 9/11 feud reduces its buying of American debts and bonds, beside the global Middle islamic world who did the same with the systematic  nurture wave of anti islamic feeling creating by Mr  Bush's administration. The famous croisade....

  Right now, the situation is far worst for America, for it,  to use such unworkable solution especially after alleniated all its partners that use to buy its obligations. We mean here, China with which it is in economic war. South Korea destroy by the viral attack which even before the virus was is in feud with America regarding the country demanding to pay its security that America is assuring for its interest. Japan, neither cannont help, its economy is destroy by the coronavirus and before even that China pumps its markets and takes its place as second economy. It has also a old population to maintain an industrial economy.  

   It remains then Europe, with the Mr Trump administration the continent has more than ever understands that its interests demand it to be far of America and go with China, especially with Donald Trump massive taxations of European goods. Sign of the big and unrepairable reparation of the damage of the relation, with the first country affected highly by the viral attack, which America itself was carry out on its past allies, Mr Trump set a traveling ban between America and the continent. Who can think such thing possible? For the European America should have been the last country to leave and turn the back, no matter how worst the situation was. They even evoke NATO with the inconditional support of each in case of aggression. It is the virus is a viral attack, and the very country which should be at the front of the defense of NATO's countries are behind it.

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