Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Supreme mockery. Nothing can’t be more hurtful (15 things you don't know about the King's imprisonment)

March 10, 2020.

  Then Prince Charles and his mother, Queen Elizabeth II (1983 pictures few days before his imprisonment)

Jailed in a house hide by agents control by foreign representations who ask them to behave toward him as mercenaries; gather in pattern of cover up false family, the enemies of the King launched a propaganda intending to present his guards as his parents.    Nothing can’t be more painful. The all being to mock him; through him his Kingdom, his loyals and all inhabitants of the world fighting for justice. The all is as morally wrong, shocking, and shameful as refusing to believe the Nazi genocide. Those persons are doing such baseless thing when the King is in the middle of the incarceration and is more than ever suffering of it.

Below are 15 things you don't about the King's incarceration and that proves as well his imprisonment if needed:

1. The imprisonment neighborhood Aeroport is barricaded with military tanks. No one enters in it without being their custodian agents.  The around one million inhabitants of Aeroport know the King’s face by heart, they are trained to interact or see the King and hide their interaction or prior deep knowledge of him. They do not let come close or speak to him their agents they do not trust. They were hidden when they see the King' s coming in an area. With the new technology of filming by distance as the  satellites, spy phones and their agents the confinement town Niamey is like a point on a map for them.  Their control is so strict at extant when they declare a person dead to him, he is almost dead for him as they will hide the person.  At the entrance of Aeroport the goods are checking, any healthy good, food or anything enter it without being checked and edited to put harmful products. When they say there is not a good as well spread and consume it is; there isn’t.  Every shop declares not having the good when as soon as the King turns his back they sell it publicly to their agents.
2. Before he took a road it is quarantined for normal circulation and it is only follow by their agents hide in civilians. 
3. The King age 38, with a Master II is preventing to have even an humanitarian job. When all his university mates with whom he studied jail have good jobs, huge salaries, cars, married with children.
4. Deter to have a job he is obliged to be in the the restraint jail in Aeroport neighborhood.  He does not have money to hire a flat in the extended jail, Niamey.
5. To superficially blacken the King, they put a great quantity of blackening antibiotics in the tap water. They put them in every water to which he has access. The quantity is so great at an extent that the water has a white milk colour. Then water plays an important role in the King's superficial blackening.
 6. They prevent him have a single coin even for exchange it needs a long fight to have exchange of XOF 1000 (£1) for which he gives them £1. 2 billion. He asked his loyals to give to their leaders the money from his assess.
7.  I am jailed without sentimental life. They prevent their agents to have a sentimental and sexual relation with me.
8. I am jailed isolated without any normal human contact. I am only surround by their agents that they hamper to have a normal human relation with me.  If I go close to them it is for them to use them to spread secret message to plot having me tortured. They also use them to gas and burn me with infrared for attempt killing me.  The same agents are using to bully me directly or indirectly by talking about anything that seem as the original matter.  Indeed, the King is jailing totally isolated and alone, though surround every second by their guards.
9. To transform Niger in their imprisonment country they banned any country to have its own independent diplomatic representation. All the representations are united and gathered in the French Embassy which is linked to the American Embassy. Each country has its own Embassy but important decision as regarding delivering of passports or visas are taken by the united representations. The passports and visas are given primarily on the ground of if they can jeopardize the confinement. The employees of the representations are selecting by the united representations.  The Nigerien representations all around the world are also composed with selected persons dedicated to the incarceration. The goal being not delivering the Nigerien visa, to a person that can reveal to the world the King’s custody. In one word, the King is not the only to be jailed all the the Nigeriens are imprisoned in their own country.    
10. If I was sick, they prevented clinic to treat me. They also use their influence to hamper me having a drug that cured. All the drugs are editing to remove the substance that heals or to add substance that sickened. When, they come up to treat the illness they give me another illness. Sometimes the medicines as the products are editing in the original plant of manufacturing. The doctors of all the clinic are replaced by their agents.     

  Then Prince Charles and his mother, Queen Elizabeth II (1983 pictures few days before his imprisonment)

11. All the books, movies, music I could have access are editing to put in the imprisonment perspective. In other words to maintain me incarcerated. In 36 years of imprisonment I never see or read an original book .They rewrite all the book I may come cross. They even write and publish false books for attempting to brain washing me accept the imprisonment.    
12. The recruited, trained and promoted musicians to maintain me jail by having them sing brainwashing songs. 
13. Until now they prevented me to see fellow white person. At an occasion or place a white person is compulsory they made a black  wears white mask to play the role.  Even in mask version I cannot see my British Subjects and especially English Subjects.       
14. Niger neighboring countries are transformed in first line barricades of the incarceration with the Barkhan forces which are essentially mercenaries intending to maintain me jail in Niger. Though the King's loyals ruin their plot they still maintain their men in Mali despite the regular and constant heavy death toll. This missions are for the essentially made of Swedish Canadians, Danishes, Norwegians.  The king confinement sunk all the neighboring countries in chaos. There are civil wars in Libya, Mali, Burkina, and Benin. There are situations close to civil wars in Nigeria, Tchad, a part of Niger with Boko Haram. Islamist terrorism and popular insurrection close to civil war in Algeria with hirak. All the Nigerien neighboring countries are playing the heavy price of this illegal, inhuman and degrading custody. 
15. The currency that circulated in the country are false (the official currency  of Niger CFA). The goal being to maintain the country enough poor such way it cannot become wealthy, independent to demand the end of the imprisonment in its territory. As result the country is the poorest country on the surface of earth; despite its huge natural resources coal, clay, gold and uranium of which it is the second seeing the first producer in the world. There is no real political opposition. Its President is nominated after a comedy election. It the candidate that serves the best the interests of the imprisonment that is chosen. They give to all the political leaders of the country names coming from the mixture of the kid brought to attempt hide my imprisonment, to show that the country is only dedicated to my incarceration. In Niger the opposition almost never complaints or condemns the incarceration.

“King George VII writes it”

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