Monday, March 9, 2020

Supreme mockery. Nothing can’t be more hurtful (15 things you don't know about the King's imprisonment)

March 9, 2020.

                    Prince of Wales and Camila

Jailed in a house hide by agents control by foreign representations who ask them to behave toward him as mercenaries; gather in pattern of cover up false family, the enemies of the King launched a propaganda intending to present his guards as his parents.    Nothing can’t be more painful. The all being to mock him; through him his Kingdom, his loyals and all inhabitants of the world fighting for justice. The all is as morally wrong, shocking, and shameful as refusing to believe the Nazi genocide. Those persons are doing such baseless thing when the King is in the middle of the incarceration and is more than ever suffering of it.
Below are 15 things you don't about the King's incarceration and that proves as well his imprisonment if needed:

1. In December 1983 during world war III Oscar Wild held Prince Charles for Iren Samson to burn him with a red burning iron on his left tight. I have pictures to prove that; you can see on my left thigh the big and horrible scars of the burning. Months later, they removed the surgery with a plastic surgery.  They have tortured and mutilated such inhuman way the young Prince Heir to The Throne.
2. As soon as they jailed the Prince they start intoxicate him with a very lethal and harmful substance named bismuth. They superficially blackened and clean his memory with antibiotics.
18. In 1989 the defeated cartel and its accomplices have even planned option of continuing jail him without even letting  him go outside the house. It was that year under pressure that they opt to jail him by letting him go outside but follow by their agents. They forged him a false birth certificate describing his guards as his parents and register him at school.  He studied while jailed, surrounded by their young agents.
3. In the early weeks of the imprisonment they brought Fati Martin to hide it.  Over years they bring many other kids as Msr Fati in 1983, Nafissa Jean in 1989, Amadou Martin in 1990 and Adamou Martin in 1997.  They were all conceived from the mixing of the six leading mercenaries they recruited in African countries as looking to his parents for being the first line of his incarceration.  Their mission is jailing Prince Charles by hiding it as their son. Still that is vain as with even with the superficial blackening as soon as you see Prince Charles his whiteness and his resembling to his mother and father appeared. For proofs they let no one if not their agents come closer to him by fear a possible alert of the police.  Even their jailing agents were corrupted and forced to close their eyes to what is obvious. Africans jailing a white kid. The kid has blue green eyes, a deep shining blond hairs all at the top of a white skin.
4. The imprisonment of the King goes as well with preventing him and the others seeing his body as he is exactly. When he was kid they took him picture rarely. When they do it, it is for photographing him with cameras which lenses were blackened and distorted. As not enough they doctored meticulously his body on the picture to make him look as that of his guards. Even currently all the phones he can have have camera’s which lenses were distorted and blackened. With bismuth he was made developing cerebral achromatia that prevents him seeing from far and to see well some colours as white, blues. Thus he could not see well his whiteness. When with all those measures; they did not have the image distorted as they want it.  They hacked the image from the phone doctored it with a software and substitute it to the initial image.
5. Everywhere the King goes they use clouding device to prevent someone photographed him from near and far. In revenge they photograph him, doctor his body through the picture to show him sick in order to incite the others to end with him. They edit his face and words to show him insulting and criticizing a leader or a country so they torture or collaborate in his torture.
6. The false and criminal alleged persons as Joseph Hassane and Joseph John presented respectively as  half cast African American and white American kid from Galveston (of the American state of Texas); never existed, as there are any passports referring to such identity. Prince Charles, who is currently King George VII has never been in Texas. Still they intend to sacrilege him and hiding his death with that of those two false identities they plan to create. Prince Charles spent all his three months in America in Donald Reagan's Rancho Del Ray in California.
7. The agents  jailing the King only attempt to superficially hide his incarceration to him. It is publicly that they prepared the different vain cover up of his imprisonment that they play when he is in the jail.  In one word he is jailed by guards just as with every incarceration.
8. As King George VII is jailing in Niger with the complicity of French, American, Russian, British presidents and prime minister through their respective representations in the country all the poles of power of Niger as country are involved in the imprisonment. The Nigerien political class in its diversity and globality (the army, the administration, the police and all the paramilitary forces of the country ) are deeply involved.   
9. All the agents engaged in the King's imprisonment names are changed before they enter in the incarceration circle. There are many who even wore superficial mask to hide their identities.     
10.To make the King forgets superficially his English language the only language he understands, he was jailed the first 13 years without hearing once a single English word. It is only in secondary school that he was presented his language as a foreign language after taking care that he hates it while being taught it.  In the English manuals they put words and images to make him hate his language. They even coins false words for the purpose.   
11. To make him forget his races he was jailed the first 17 years of his incarceration without seeing once a person of his race (Before 1994, the only TVs he could see belonged to the jailing agents; they are in black and white colour).  The first white person he saw physically was an old Canadian nun riding on a bicycle in 2001 close of Rond Point Eglise of Niamey. He was in a bus, the all lasted few seconds.      
12. All the kids brought to hide the King imprisonment through a false family in the jail are in contact with their parents. Once, adult they have been transformed in agents of torturing, attempt killing him.   
                   Prince of Wales

13 . King George VII custody is so unprecedented at an extent he cannot call anyone with a phone. The defeated cartel systematically hacked the person number and having someone speaking at his behalf by producing the person's voice with the usual software for such purpose.
14 . The imprisonment neighborhood Aeroport is barricaded with military tanks. No one enters in it without being their custodian agents.  The around one million inhabitants of Aeroport know the King’s face by heart, they are trained to interact or see the King without making themselves known clearly. They do not let come close or speak to him their agents they do not trust. They were hidden when they see the King' s coming in an area. With the satellites, spy phones and their agents the confinement town Niamey is like a point on a map for them. Their control is so strict at extant when they declare a person dead to him, he is almost dead in his perspective, they will hide him.  At the entrance of Aeroport the goods are checking, any healthy good, food or anything enter it. When they say there is not a good as well spread and consume it is; there isn’t. Every shop declares not having the good when as soon as the King turns his back they sell it publicly to their agents.
15. Before he took a road it is quarantined for normal circulation and only follow by their agents hide in civilians take it.
Then Prince Charles with his parents and nephew.

                       "King George VII wrote it"

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