Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Quote of the Day

Jun 2, 2018. 
The Chinese philosopher Confucis said contunie reading in the picture:
Read more quotes:  Quotes
        Prince Charles's kidnapping and hostage keeping is the proof that sincerety and truth are everything that miss in our gracious land. The Prince heir to te throne is kidnapped and replaced optional by an usurper and few publicly report or condemned it.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Jun 21, 2018.

   As we reported you the council wants to harm or kill Adamu by declaring him going to Accra, last night we received the confirmqtion of the news that Adamu is in Accra. Fati the other jail mate of Prince Charles and Adamu declared he called him on the following number: 00233573044627. This is a number of Ghana belonging to Hama a man cover up as his cousin in whose house he went there. 
    Fati said, he went in Holiday in the country as it is the holiday, anyway he will not stay there indefinitly as she worded it.  Then, so soon the  kid will be back.  Adamu is as any kid of his age, he loves music, having nice phones, fashion, and dating girls for all that he loves school where his girlfriends, and mates are. Adamu does not have a tough character to love the harshness of adventurous life. 
    But, the council is still planning to use this  trip to declare the kid dead, or not coming again for killing him later, or harming him by a way or another. Currently it is bargaining with its accomplices to move  killing or harming the kid by using this false pretext and many others.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Saint George in London in rememberance of all those who lost their lives on May 19, 2018.
May 27, 2018.
    By the same way the council has prepared option of covering up Prince Charles as son of Princess Diana and one of its African mercenaries. It has also prepared to kidnap him as son of white couple, or multi-racial couple of Diana and an African American with one of the mercenaries as his optional father. The criminal propaganda version of Charles white and her son, pictures were posted on her Facebook account: Irene R. Johnson Prince Diana Facebook Account .
      She posted lot of pictures of Prince Charles on this Facebook account most of the time dress as a woman shooting in pictures with her in various places of Texas.                                                           Princess Diana and Prince Charles in 1982                                                                  
                                                             Princess Elizabeth 
          As you can see a wig has been place on the young Prince head in order to cover him up as a girl. It was placed such way to have him look like son of Princess Diana with who his face is totally different. Diana also adopted a given smile with her teeth outside that intended to distort her face to make it looks as that of Prince Charles with the wig and that of Charles’ mother also to whom his face look greatly.  Even with that you see quite well that the two faces are different with Charles’ nose opens, when Iren’s is long and pointed. The teeth of the two are different as well. No one can pretend not to see that, the picture was taken in dark yellow and orange environment to make Prince Charles’ eyes turning kind of red orange as that of Princess Diana. Nonetheless the light effect is not the only reason of the awful colour Charles has taken, his eyes colours were transformed such way with computer software as Photoshop. The blue shirt that was put on his body to mean that we have prepared an option of presenting Charles as an American son of Iren. Indeed, it is to be noted that Iren or Princess Diana call her as you want, under the influence of the council has changed her identity at birth to take a false one that presented her as a white American with black root from Louisiana and Latino origin. Her name Iren was changed in Irene to which Rosa a common sounded Latino name was added. To complete the name her father’s name John was changed in Johnson. Her new name was Irene Rosa Johnson. She is not the only one to undergo the same change of identity. Her entire family has changed its identity for example John Jason changed his name John in Johnson.

                                             Princess Dina and Prince Charles in early 1983        
                                                    Queen Elizabeth II and her son in 1982.
If Prince Charles’ mother and Princess Diana look alike somehow though different at many angles, it is because Princess Diana was Queen Elizabeth II’s nephew. Still as you can see, both are different regarding the form of the nose, and even of the face, Diana has pointed and round face, when Prince Charles’ mother is rectangular and pointed. The noses are as well different, Charles’ and his mother’ nose are opened comparing to Iren’s pointed nose that she tried hardly with any success to open looking like that of Prince Charles’ and his mother’s by laughing largely. The eyes and eyelids are as well different as you see. On the picture of Charles and Diana, the young Prince carries a white and yellow shirt on which it is written US, though it is USA, and the A was between the armpit. The lying of her hand on the wall intend to make the connection with 1979 Austin picture. The message was we prepared an option to present her as they dress Charles in female, daughter of Princess Diana who laid her hand on Oscar Wild, to suggest a sentimental relation between the two. The yellow shirt mean as well we might present her as the daughter born from Diana’s pregnancy as she was simulated pregnant with the yellow dress in other words as white with black and white parents. 
    In this picture Charles’ eyes were rendered brown both with the light and software. The kind of wall that separated the picture’s plan in two with kind of red and black flowers was used by the council to mean we were since 1979 preparing to kidnap him and we were still on our plan. The firm hand on the wall means we are determined to do so.
                                                            Prince Charles and Princess Diana (1)       
                          (L-r) Prince Diana another girl and a woman (2)                                                        
         In this picture (1) Charles was well dressed in female, with the wig and even with the short trouser that he was cloth with. Still his naked and firm tights show he is a male. In his hands he was asked to carried a kind of red and black dolls.  With them the council means the picture was taken in the same spirit of him son of Oscar and Iren as they prepared the option. Beside, meaning that we are still on our plan of kidnapping him. The kind of string of pink colour, she carried made reference to the 1979 Austin picture in which she wore a yellow dress to suggest being pregnant.  It intends to mean we attempt to play it as he is the child of which she was pregnant. Here also she laughs such way to have her face different of Prince Charles’ being alike. 
    In (2) Diana and another woman were shown keeping between their two bodies a girl who looks like a Latino.  Of course we must not forget that indeed Diana was pregnant in 1979, though the yellow cloth intended to make her belly larger more than she was with her pregnancy which was of something like 2 months. She gave birth of a girl with blond hair . The girl that was between the two women’s bodies are still, Prince Diana’s daughter who then was around 4 years old. The picture means also we have prepared an option of declaring Prince Charles’ kidnapped and replaced by her daughter. (Picture of Diana’s daughter) 
    The same picture (2) was used to mean that we are also still with our plan of kidnapping and presenting him during the deportation as son of Princess Diana and Oscar or one of the two remaining African mercenaries that were recruited.
                                                    Prince Charles and Princess Diana (1)  in the middle 1982     
                                              Prince Charles in a green shirt in the arm of Diana in 1982 (2)
    The two pictures were taken in the same period. In (1) appears Prince Charles real flat face, and Iren smiling with all her teeth out to look as the young Prince and his mother as well, but the difference between the two faces still appear. Her face is of a pointed flatness when Charles has a quite flat face. With that picture the reference is made also to 1979’ picture. With a software especially toward the neck and arm her body was brightened and Charles’ part was a little blackened with computer software kind of Photoshop that aims to tell still we are preparing the half caste version of the kidnapping. 
  The (2) shows Charles’ back head, and Iren’s, the council intended to present her as looking alike when different as you can see. That picture with the man in black cloth on black horse intend to mean we are still determined to kidnap him in half caste version. And the horse and him looking in the middle combine with the long tower means we are resolute regarding the kidnapping.
    In one word the council means that it was ready to kidnap Prince Charles hide in a boy or girl by using Princess Diana, and the other mercenaries as his false parents to which the other members of his Family would join.
                                                 Prince Charles deep with his father Prince Philip in 1983 (1)   
                                                     Princess Diana and a African American soldier (2)
    The (2) underlined that in fact Prince Charles was not kidnapped, but was victim of a Palace coup as Diana was in the car and the soldier out, that led to the deportation and imprisonment of the second personage of our Kingdom. Endless picture in the same Iren Facebook account with the name Irene R. Johnson backed this affirmation. This picture completes also the idea of deporting Charles by presenting him as half cast son of a false couple of their mercenaries. Nevertheless, the council as we said it has lost its influence, and is isolated especially since November 12, 2017 and even before. More than ever it lost the remaining few power and influence it had on May 19, with the tragedy that happens with the explosion that kills all the 600 people inside the Chapel Saint George, and many other hundreds that were outside it. Many members of the Royal Family died in this tragedy among which there are Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, Princess Sophie, Princess Anne and many other members of the Family that attended this sinful and illegal wedding. 


Friday, June 8, 2018

The Sim the council meeting for preparing the sinful and illegal wedding

Jun 07, 2018.
     The council scheduled the sinful and illegal wedding of Princess Eugenie and Jack Brookbank for October 12 of this year. Of course, the wedding is of the highest interest for the terrorist organisation. It supposed to trigger the impossible coup d’etat it wanted to do without having the power. Already, it planned this wedding as a second plan in case it failed to do the last wedding of Meghan Markle and Harry Charles. The wedding never happened, what happened is a tragedy that killed all those who attended it. 

                                                   Read more about Sim:  Sim meeting in London between October 1 and 2.

      Even before this wedding, the engagement of the two brides were announced and the wedding is on the stand by as plan B to trigger the coup, in case the plan A failed. Clearly the announcement of this wedding proved if needed that the plan A failed.
    As it is in the council tradition, in all the different high treason and take over it did in  against our Kingdom, it leagues  with foreign leaders to do so. We say foreign leaders, come on do not be young to the council’s logic and degree of destruction, said me one of the editor of this sacred movement, who is sitting close to me, when I am writing this article. The council has set a systematic and organised dictatorship in the world. All the different great countries of this world are leading by men in uniform, or army chiefs. The Presidents, Primes Ministers are just pupates in the hands, they are the real holders of the power. In all those countries, the Presidents or the Prime Ministers are dead, killed by the council and replaced by it with a man or a woman carrying a plastic masks. By their side those army chiefs are under direct control of the council, which create a shadow network of power, in the umbrella of real power as those leaders were elected, if we accepted democracy in such context. 
    In order to see if it can have their support for doing the sinful and illegal wedding, the council just as with the last failed wedding, scheduled a conference of those army chiefs in London. By the beginning of October on the first and the second, the armies chiefs of the greatest country on earth meets in London. Officially it is to discuss common defence between allies of NATO. Unofficially, the meeting aims to negotiate those army chiefs to give it their support to the terrorist organisation regarding the wedding, and even the possible world war III that may result in case it succeeds doing the wedding, as the monarchists swore to block the wedding and the council coup.
   Even for the last wedding this army chiefs, met as this one, around two weeks before the wedding. The last meeting for the wedding of Harry and Markle was held on May 12, 7 days before the scheduled date of the wedding.  Then, it received a limited support from its accomplices, which did not give it, their total support for the wedding. This one is scheduled to happen,  11 days before the sinful and illegal wedding.
  Still this wedding is dangerous for the  socio political and economic stability  of our Kingdom. If the council succeeded to do it, though opposed by all, it will have a false impression of power and will attempt to do the impossible coup. How will you say? By doing  a Palace coup, declaring the Queen dead as on December 29, 2017 and when it attempted to set Prince of Wales as the next King when the real heir to the throne, Prince Charles is kept hostage in Niger, and especially when the real Queen is alive and in good shape
   The council may even try to do the sacrilege killing of the Queen as it attempted to do so on November 12, 2017. As you see all that are serious sources of instability for our Kingdom and the world. And now, more than even the council lost every single power, its current leader is even the Norwegian army chief, named Odin Johansson though he is of British origin. 
                                                                                                                                               Odin Johaanson
    One after the other, all its leaders were killed and still it refused to give up doing the impossible coup, free Prince Charles and let him resumes his duty of heir to throne. Despite the warning of the entire world. The daily killing attempt of Prince Charles even continues.

                                                                                                                                         King George VI

Prince Charles' Manifesto

March 21, 2018.
    Prince Charles, the real and unique son of Queen, Elizabeth II is currently keeping hostage in inhuman conditions by the council in Niamey, Niger. His life is rhythem by the council's torture; humiliation and killing attempts.
  The future King George VII's writes a Manifesto to detail how with his reign, he will give to our country the super greatness at was her for centuries. In this fascinating document; he explains the guidlines and the different realisations of his throne.  
     Always for the matter of freeing and saving our Kingdom, we will post you; part after part this Manifesto. In rememberance of Big Ben that the council stops in its attempts to reverse the Brexit, the will of our Subjects, we named sometimes King George VII's Manifesto as Big Ben Should Continue Ringing. At the beginning the idea of writing his Manifesto comes even in writing to demand the not stopping of this historic clock. United Kingdom and a London without Big Ben ringing is a pretty fleshy body without soul...

Our Movement is getting its right

Jun 08, 2018.
    Few days ago, we reported an error, or a strange disappearance of the number of viewers of our Pinterest website. Before the disappearance the numbers of monthlyviewers are of around 96, after it comes to 9 viewers. Whereas number of viewers by definition cannot go down because when you view either a video on Youtube, or you view a website, or Pinterest your view has been done and cannot be removed as with the classical following. 
    Today Pinterest that cares about its customers, and that is really working to put them in their right, have corrected the incident as we find 1.1 k monthly viewers. Of course, that is still far of the million of people that are visiting our websites. The council working down to deny our websites mentioning the followers, or the views. 
     Still though we did not see the million of viewers Pinterest is to be thanked, it is the first website to give an overview of the great impact our mouvement is created.  
     We ask the other websites to put us in our right as Pinterest is doing. Imagine I created a Google Analytics of this website, when I enter in it, my visit of the website daily is not even mentioned and I even visited it with many different IP address as I surf in many places.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

The Birth of a baby: Princess Anne

Jun 02, 2018
  This video is one among the endless edited by Pathe News to cover up and  advertise Prince Charles kidnapping and optional replacement along with confounded Prince Charles and Zara Philips with Prince of Wales and Princess Anne. 
     The video is edited through the succession of scenes with the perspective of battle, we will say military takeover. It transpires with the music that is put on the scene, a kind of military music with touch of sinister opera with fairy tale and epic intonations. 
       The birth of Princess Anne though her name is named nowhere in the short footage if not at the end of the video where a baby is declared born for the Princess that will be one day would be the Queen of some of the Subjects that are watching. Of course there many false scenes or scenes that were filmed to flesh out the scenes that the council wants to put. Are true only the scenes of Prince of Wales in a car, Prince Charles in a car and Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles. Indeed the footage intends before everything to put Prince Charles born in 1981 in the perspective of Prince of Wales  ( Jacob Jack), especially regarding the way he was then in 1950.  Because the scene of 1:42 is Queen Elizabeth II and her son Prince Charles not Princess Elizabeth and Princess Anne in 1950 that she was declared born.  Princess Anne is not even daughter of Queen Elizabeth II but of Princess Margaret. All of you have in mind the false family the council has forged to Queen Elizabeth II, who has only one son, Prince Charles the heir to the throne.  This scene was even taken in 1982, few months after the birth of Prince Charles as you can see through the face of Queen Elizabeth II’s 1982 face’s physical aspects.
                                                      Picture of Prince Charles on 1:42. This picture of the Prince and his mother has been taken at the beginning of 1982.
      Beside the scenes that were mentioned in the last paragraph all the Subjects shown are not persons who were waiting the return of Princess Elizabeth with her new baby. Among the many irrelevant persons that were shown are the photographers that are shown sitting with their cameras in hands waiting to film the scenes of Princess Elizabeth ( It is Queen Elizabeth II) passing with her baby. Before that return Prince Charles is reported being brought to the hospital, where she would deliver, though it is not said that the car was going to the hospital. 

                                                                                   Prince of Charles in the car on 0:33 of the footage. He has been shoot from far 
                                                                                     A kid that is shown on  0:38 of the footage.

                                                                                                                  Prince Charles on 0:44 of the footage in the car in the arms of the woman

       Prince Charles is filmed in the car from on 0: 33 from far such way he looks like Prince of Wales. Still even from far Prince Charles appears thin but different of Prince of Wales. Prince of Wales has thin face, and is kind of skinny, when Prince Charles has a flat face and is kind of fat, fleshy. In fact, all the different people show were selected and filmed to kind of mentally work on Subjects to think it is Prince of Wales in both scenes. Among them there is Miss Bronwell that was shown with flat face just as Prince Charles. The old woman is the central piece in brainwashing people to think it is Prince Charles in all scenes. 

      Then Buckingham was shown with the classical board announcing the birth of a Royal baby. It is after this board that Queen Elizabeth II was shown with Prince Charles, but the anchor did not say it is Queen Elizabeth II or even Princess Elizabeth with Princess Anne, but that it is the Princess that one day will be ‘our Queen’ as he phrased it. 
   The all intend to work on people without saying it specifically that it is Queen Elizabeth II with Prince Charles in 1950. Nevertheless, Princess Anne is not shown. That underlined quite well the fact that the video intended to make the advertisement of the optional replacement of Prince Charles by Prince of Wales. 
                                               Queen Elizabeth II and her son, Prince Charles.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

        Jun 06, 2018.

 Prince Charles baby in the arm of Prince of Wales, Prince Philip is standing first left, John Jason Jack is last, and our father King George VI or Jack is sitting.
                                                                     Prince Charles left with Zara Philip in Balmoral in 1982 with our parents.

                                                                Prince Charles hostage in Niamey in January 2018 in airport, Niamey. 
       Prince Charles is born from King George VI and Queen, Elizabeth II on August 30, 1981 in the Belgian Room of Buckingham Palace.Though know by few among you, Queen, Elizabeth II came on power after a silent military coup in 1949 against her father, King George VI. She was helped by a military council made up of high rank army officers from Scottish ancestry, in our English army. This council aims clearly to destroy our country, and uses division as mean to stay on power. Helped by the two World Wars that changed the political map of the world, they draw an imaginary country made of England-Scotland-America. Not, controlling England they need to destroy it for America to grow as super power that it would use to fulfil its aim. Here is how they had our country loses its colonies in the 1960s, and joined the European Union that made us lost our clear and distant voice; and planetary influence in the world. It is then that the English and British patriots led by King George VI refused to observe our country being destroyed. Especially, when the council aims clearly to have illegally someone who does not have right to the throne succeeding Queen, Elizabeth II, we mean Prince of Wales who was not her son. To achieve that the council refused her to have her own son that would succeed her. In fact the real objective of the council is transforming our country in Republic that they want to lead, and depriving our country from its soul and heart being the monarchy.

                                                          Prince and his mother, Elizabeth II in 1981.
                                                      Prince Charles in the hostage airport, Niamey
From left to right, Manur, Prince Charles, Mday (Inusa), and Usuf in the hostage keeping area in front of Inusa's house less than 100 yards from the house I was kept in airport, Niamey. A picture of January 2018.
                         Prince Charles in the same place and the same day mentioned with the group picture. 
                                                   Prince Charles in the same place. 

    From left Prince Charles, Zara Philips and my mother, Elizabeth II in Balmoral in 1983.      Prince Charles and Zara Philips in 1982.
                                 Prince Charles left, Queen Elizabeth II, and Zara Philips.
    The patriots arrived to have the council making Queen, Elizabeth who was then childless having a son from King George VI and her that would succeed her. It was the conciliating position they found to let her ended her reign. That is how Prince Charles; was born to succeed Queen, Elizabeth II and saved Great Britain. 
     Nevertheless, the council never accepted that it kidnapped Prince Charles in Cheam London on April 13, 1983. Plotted with the then French, American and Russian President to deport Prince Charles in Galveston where he was kept hostage from April 14, to April 17, 1983 the day they simulated a violent kidnapping of the Prince to deport him in LA where he was kept hostage from April 17 to September 30,1983 that deported him in Diffa, Niger where since then Prince Charles is keeping hostage in the country by the council with the same mercenaries that it used to kidnap him in horrible and inhuman conditions for a British Prince heir to the throne, and now the British King George VII as his mother was dead on November 12, 2018.  
     After the death of Prince Charles's in 1997 the council thinks that it had total power and illegally decided to call Prince of Wales that they want to succeed Elizabeth II as Prince Charles; the only one has right to the throne.   
                                          Below is Prince Charles Nigerien passport
Please attention to the fact that the prince picture on the passport has been reedited to have his face look like his hostage keepers Oscar and Iren Samson. Still it is reedited such way he looks himself: Prince Charles. The number of the passport 08PC29154 means with the 08 that it may work both ways as Prince Charles we may declare him so, or as the false and criminal Hassane Issoufou. It means the passport is both true and  false depending our interests.
                               Prince Charles Nigerien identity card currently working.

  Here is the passport with which Prince Charles was deported on Setempber 30, 1981. This passport was shown during the Paris step over before the Prince was put in a Nigerian Airways aircraft for Niger.

What is the council?

Revised on Jun 0, 2018.
                           Here is a question of 1 billion pounds, dear comrades and readers.
     It is a group of high rank officers in our English army. Its origin is dated back to the 18th Century mainly, especially with the reunification of the two crowns: the English and British crowns. Though before that down to the 16th Century they existerd as witnessed the confusion created by Cromwell, who by himself since then was pupated by the same council. Their faith was linked to that of Cromwell and its ephemere Republic. After the restoration of the monarchy, there were totally discredited. They then became an underground secret organisation, kind of political and military sect. They became then isolated; hated and persecuted by the different crowns for the threat they represented for our country.
    It was the reunification of the two crowns that refresh them, and giving them new elan with the help of the Scottish System, regarding many points. For example they are the one behind the American independence. Moreover, they were behind also the French revolution. 
    The council became a serious threat to our country, its unity, progess in the 19th century during the reign of Queen Victoria. They manipulated writers as Carl Marx to criticised and ruined the mercantilicist capitalist system we set in the world. They created political parties in our country as the Labour Party which originally was created by them for the purpose of runining the mercantilist and capitalist spirit in our country that makes of our country, the greatest country on earth. Though gradually with time they lost their total control on it.
    They created many associations, and political parties to set a socialist orientation in our countries that goes with all their anti crown and anti great Great Britain rethorics. That is how graddually as a virus, they invaded our British body in all its components from the army, to the political class, to intelectual class. 
   They sink our country and the world in fighting two world wars, 1914 and 1945 only with the goal of achieving their goal of carrying their coup, and taking the throne in Great Britain. The two wars were the one with which they arrive to make America a world super power and achieving thein goal. 
  The new rhetoric or refreshing orientation they gave to rebuild their power, was putting their divisive and destructive movement in the account of the English with Scottish who could not spouse for ideological reason proper to their Scottish root the monarchic Great Britain. That rhethoric is false because before the reunification of the two crowns, Scotland was also a Kingdom, a monarchy. But, they go with divisive rethoric, through propagadan, and political manipulation. Then from the 18th Century they transformed their movement in an English Scottish movement for transforming our country in Republican. But to achieve their goal they have to take control of the supreme power in our country  (The Crown) that would enable them to reach their goal.
   As soon as they have it they destroyed systematically the Royal Institution; its values, just as they use the latter to destroy our country because with time they came to make another reorientation. That new reorientation came after they conclude that they could never take control totally our country and having the supreme power, and by relying to it (English and British) transforming it in Republic, just as ruling it. Why the reason is simple, in our country the power is with the monarchy, mileniums successions of Kings and few Queens all tied and continued each others, and enriching the new power. Whereas, they always have dark underground casual power, and lost control of the country since the 17 century with Cromwell. So, you see they can never compete in terms of power in England, Great Britain and the world in the British System all that go with the crown, or if you want the patriots and the real Royalist. That is why they decided to use the system of proxy ruling by using another country to rule our country. At the begining they use America that they made powerful for the purpose; and then destroy and created China, Russia as countries as indirect mean to rule our country, when they see the patriots developed their power in America and come to have more power than them in America.
   Their power is then young, fragile and always superficial as only older of Queen, Elizabeth II reign behind whom they are and ruled through her. And even with their coup in 1949 they have just few power; the essential was controlled by the real; King; King George VI who continues ruling as the Royalist. Whereas though controling the Queen they continue their Republican agenda consisting of destroying the Royal Institution from within, and transforming graddually our country in a Republic. So, the global English, British System and network of power have always been with the patriots and the Royalist.
     Is the council and its extended Republican movement opening to all?
  The council as leading body of the movement of the Republicanism is only opened to English with Scottish ancestry and that in conformity with their 18 Century geopolitical orientation. Even here; you have to be a rank English officer with Scottish ancestry. Because; the movement has transformed itself in a military movement in the ruling. But; the extended Republican movement is opened to all no exception, either English; British, or citizen of any country of the world.
    To survive throughout times, they transformed themselves in armed rebelion with civil components having their networks of intelectuals, artists, politicians. Then they see that will not allow to reach they goal, they integrate the English army, and reforming their leadership body on the assess of their members former command or high rank leadership position in the army.
    That is how currently, the council is made up of High rank English officers with Scottish ancestry, who occupied once the position of Chief of General Staff of the English army. Then all the living, English Chief of General Staffs who have Scottish ancestry are in the council. Nonetheless, in the extended council there are intermediate and average High rank officers. Currently, the head of the council is  Nick Carter. Or let say the person that replaces him in (the person that wore plastic mask of him to play his role); Carter after his death last week.
     From the moment they arrive to control the Royal Institution through, Queen Elizabeth II; they had easiness to appoint theirs at the supreme positon in the English.
     How did the council maintains itself for so long on power?
     In fact the council first attempt to infiltrate our manarchy was with Edward III. As soon as they took the power through him, the patriots refused them to take control of our throne and destroy our country. With the help of the Scottish; the arrive with King George VII to have the throne.  Of course; they are in casual partnership with the Scottish, but do not share the same agenda, and are mainly opposed especially regarding Great Britain; England; Scotland nature as countries. The council wants them weak that goes with its interests of using proxy states to control them. So, since they have limited and indirect influence in King George VI's regime, whose wife, Elizabeth Bowes Lyon was Scottish.
    Nonetheless, they continue their long times politics of division, by dividing the Royal Family and the support behind the King regime. They formed a coilition with the Scottish System to organise a palace coup in 1949 that set Elizabeth Mary Alexander as Queen in 1952. With the palace coup they used Queen Elizabeth and her sons and daughters in the Royal Family sympathising to their cause to carry out the coup. Already, since King George VI as their power was rising; they managed to start the process of destruction of the royal Institution by flouting the rules that regulated monarchial life in our country. For exampl, King George VI came on power having only two daugthers, Princess Elizabeth, and Princess Margaret. All the male progenitures of the monarch were not reported publically as his sons. So that the one to succeed him would be a woman, Princess Elizabeth. The males progenitures who have rights to the throne were given compensations. For example Prince Philip the eldest son, of George VI was made husband of the Queen, John Jason was made the unofficial King of Galvest, a rich American county with lot of British controlled oil exploitation companies and Prince of Wales was promised by the council, succeeding their to Elizabeth II. To make Prince of Wales next King, he was covered up, son of Elizabeth II. Then after the 1949 coup, a transitory monarchy was set with the same King George VI and  Mary Alexander as the natural successor to take the reign of the power in 1952, by declaring the King dead, when alive.
  That is the procedure through which they had the power. Once; they had it, over the years they fought to strength their power by defeating the same Scottish that helped them, get the power, through Queen, Elizabeth II that they controlled. That was after the patriots the pressure on them to have, Queen, Elizabeth II having her true heir the throne as our Constitution sets, by giving birth to her own biological son, Prince Charles, who will succeed her.  
     Then in 1983, they plotted to kidnap and keep hostage Prince Charles. In the same year, they strength their power, with the then head of the council, John Stanier married in option, Queen Elizabeth II. As they saw that with years, she was strengthening her reign and emancipated herself from them.That was the political union between Queen Elizabeth and her support in the army (the council with its republicanism ramification) that strengthened both interests. Then the council became the sole master of Elizabeth II's reign after putting aside with this union tying their alliance, the Scottish System, and the little support of the patriots that she enjoyed before. Few months later, they had a surrogate daughter.    
   Then, from 1983 up to 1997, Queen, Elizabeth II only support is the council. To stay on power after kidnapping the Prince heir to the throne, she plays it loving and respecting her father, King George VI, and promising freeing his son. She plays the same sound, every single year, next year we will free him if you accepted to let Jacob Jack (Prince of Wales) becoming King, when it comes they said next year again up to 1989. This year they move in the option of transforming the Prince, kidnappers as his parents and keeping him hostage as longer as the patriots did not accept Jacob as the next King. 
    After the death of my father in 1997, the council made an alliance with the Scottish System in their backing, Queen Elizabeth's reign. In 2007, Queen, Elizabeth II emancipated a little bit against the council, but still was under their influence. And recently before the Cenotaph of Rememberance strengthened her relation with the council; and together they even attempted to gradually that day the power to Prince of Wales. The decision was decisive and opposed by the British as meaning putting in bracket our country Constitution; the Queen died during the confusiong of the attack to prevent this passassation of power. That was on November 12, 1987.
 Then, the only one and main support of Elizabeth II's reign is the council. The council members are the one who have the realities of the power, as she was even almost obliged to let and collaborate in the kidnapping; deportation and hostage keeping of her son in 1983. Moreover, almost all the important decision of her reign were taken by the council. And at many regard by herself is systematically their hostage from the beginning of her reign till the end.  
    Then Queen, Elizabeth II and the council are tightly linked. In fact John Stanier the before 2009, head of the council daugher get married and had grandoson, their progenitures with that of John Stanier offsprings with her main wife  are currently ruling as Norway, Darnmark and Sweeden Kings and Royal Family. In fact, John Stanier before his death John Stanier was King of Danemark, Sweeden, and Norway. It is one of her daughter; Margaret that is reigning currently on Danmark as Margaret II. Do not lost of mind that those Kingdoms, are naturally and lawfully in the assess of British interests as gained by British means. However, the council made them, their own possessions. For example; in Niger on one of the symbol of the hostage keeping of Prince Charles in Niger, is SATOM a Norwish company controlled by the council that controls the country.

An article to read:

The Queen Back Home after Deportation: Accra

Jun 02, 2018.
    From April 13 to October 5, 1983, the Queen Elizabeth II was made deporting her son from London, Cheam he was kidnapped to Niger, where he would be deported and kept hostage. After October 05 the Queen left Prince Charles, the heir to the throne hostage in Diffa, she went back London after touring the neighbouring countries of the Sub Saharan African countries.
       After leaving Diffa, the Queen took a plane to Bornu, Nigeria the neighbouring Nigerian State only few hundred miles from Diffa. She visited with Prince Charles many Nigerian states until Lagos the capital from which she took a plane to Accra, the capital of Ghana. All those visits were put in 1950s perspective with the Queen and Prince Philip. The putting in 1960s perspective was done with cars, planes, people and places as they were in 1983 puts in 1960s perspective. For example, the Queen and Prince Philip made up and dressed in such perspective in other words they wore dress of the 1950s style fashion style.

     Nevertheless, the visit of Accra is central in this cover up of the deportation cover up tour of Queen Elizabeth. Ghana is the first British colony to get its independence from our Kingdom in 1957. The cover up visit though done in October 1983 was filmed as done in 1961 and presented as so. The greatest notable point is the fact that the visit of The Queen is put in perspective of England invading Scotland especially at the beginning of the presentation of the footage before is covered up by Scotland invading England, it was neutralised and then put in Scottish perspective. The footage is a masterpiece of the council division of our Kingdom..  
The idea of England invading Scotland was done with the first scene of the visit filmed from the right side, Eastward to leftward, Westward because on a map, England is on the right side, when Scotland is on the left.  This idea of invasion of Scotland is shown with the satellite camera filming Accra as it was in 1983 from left to right. O but please attention to the fact that the video was edited in 2014, there are many scenes that were filmed in 2014, though the essential of the visit is filmed in 1983.
                                                                       The footage on 0:12

                                            The footage on 0:14

The airport of Accra was filmed also in this right-left perspective to convey the idea of England invading Scotland.
                                                The footage on 0:10
                                                                    The footage on 0:14
The idea of England invading Scotland is done such way also to cover it up with council or the Royal Family visiting Scotland after leaving England. Because the faces and the bodies of the people making the trip were shown as having English and Scottish shapes.
(picture 0:12)
                                        The footage on 0:12

 Then the goal is as well to assimilate the deportation travel of Prince Charles, the heir to British throne as a classical travel of the Queen from England and Scotland.Then the idea of Scotland invading England was done with scene from 0:15 to 0: 24).
                                                                                ( 0: 15)      
                                                          0:24 of the footage         
  The conveying idea of Scotland invading England is done with also faces and people looking as Scottish in Ghanaian perspective are shown walking from right to left.  And the council through Pathe News has covered up against with the idea of England invading Scotland from 0:33.
Then faces were shown in a tribune sitting and looking as Scottish and English looking the left side were shown, meaning the council defending falsely Scottish interests is ruling England. The filming was done in perspective of neutrality and fight between England and Scotland is shown on  0: 39 with two Ghanaians Royal leaders where shown greeting each other, by shaking their hands vigorously with a man dress in white tradition royal Ghanaian white dress is shown.

                                                                       The footage 0: 14
                                                              The footage 0:43
     The last picture intended to close the chapter of the division of Great Britain with the two brothers England and Scotland invading one another with the council presenting its falsely in Scottish perspective in the last picture with the Ghanaian Royal Chief who have in Ghanaian perspective Scottish face. It is after putting the visit in this fictive context that the visit of the Queen started properly. The footage is a typical characteristic of the council politics of diving our Kingdom to defend its illegal regime while only defends its criminal interests. Still though the greatest part of the division ends there, it continues as the all visits is put in this divisive perspective by showing the different elements either moving from left to right and vice versa.
On 0:54 the couple Nkrumah is shown standing and welcoming Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. It is to be noted that though Kwame Nkrumah (The council uses its influence to have Nkrumah's Wikipedia page written in the sense of confirming the false visit of 1983 that is presented as that of 1961 and nowhere can you see easily pictures and videos of the real visits of 1961.) is dead 1972 when the deportation in Accra is simulated done in1983.  
       Nkrumah’s regime was toppled after a military coup and he lived exiled in Egypt with his wife. It is people looking like them that were selected and on whom superficial plastic masks of both were placed. Then the division continues once again with the couple Nkrumah shows dress in white and blue: Nkrumah has a white coat while his wife as a blue dress. It needs no imagination to see that Nkrumah has an English body, and his wife a Scottish body. Though both stood looking the right side, the division has been amplified with Nkrumah presented as English is presented ruling Scotland, when the blue intends to present Scottish as romantic.

      It is then that on 1:10 the BOAC plane transporting Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip is shown stopping on the runaway of the airport with Scottish and English body shape people who were shown standing to welcome them. It is to be noted that the council uses its influence to have the Queen flying in the BOAC to put the deportation in 1960s perceptive because the company has been then dissolved in  British Airways in which the Queen usually travels then.
                                                                      The footage  1:10
   On 1:20 Queen Elizabeth II is shown welcome by Nkrumah, with Her Majesty was made make a very inappropriate gesture to Nkruma with her eyes, in a kind of effort to please him, though the all is hide in the Queen kind of presenting her excuse to him for something.
                                                                           The footage   1:26                                                                                                                                    
            Then the controversial scene is shown, here are Queen Elizabeth II dressed in white, Prince Philip dressed in white and Kwame Nkrumah dress in white as well. The white colour is a colour of purity, and power in tradition as well as in symbol. The council dressing the person that carried the plastic of Nkrumah with white coat though the Queen is dressed in yellow intends to put an image of the power of purity in Nkrumah head of State, not as a Monarch with divine duty, as God’s Deputy on earth. The fact that Prince Philip is dressed in white only entered in logic of denuding women of their puritan power.(Picture of Queen Victoria)

    Our Kingdom had many female Monarchs who was pure and great than any male Monarch and sometimes which is in most of the case greatest than the males Monarch. Where is Queen Elizabeth I, the Virgin Queen? Where is Queen Victoria one of the greatest Monarch our Kingdom ever have.  Would it be Nkrumah by himself he would never wore a white coat to welcome the Queen regarding our Kingdom great history with Ghana, that we colonise.  The Ghanaian neither would tolerate him disrespecting the Queen The council wrote the script of the visit and gave this role to the man that played. That is a proofs of the falseness of this footage.
(picture of Nkrumah in 1961)

                                                                                                          Nkruma in the footage on 0:52                    
                                                                                                      From Ms. Nkrumah, their daughter and Kwame Nkrumah
 A picture of the real 1961 visit of the Queen in Ghana. You see how the real Nkrumah respected the Queen he even holds Her Majesty the umbrella.

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