Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Banzoum Mohamed's Campaign Funding Treaty

A- Basic Terms and General Details of the Deal It will be a campaign funding of 20 billion CFA that will be given to your campaign by the bank Ecobank Niger in collaboration with the King's banks in UK: HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank. 1. Your campaign has also 1,000 BMW 4*4 of your choice, 200 BMW buses of around 100 places each, 10, 000 BMW motorcycles, and 100 Peugeots VIP versions (for the campaign transportation of the VIP of your campaign. They will all be delivered in 2 days by cargos by the corporations which representatives you meet in the next hours for the details of the delivery. 2) 70% of all the key positions of your regime will go to a first class loyals of the King's among your Party. The same rule apply to the government where the King should have the different positions : the Ministry of Justice, Defense, Economy, Interior, Oil etc. The same rule as well apply to the designations at the head of the army, the army Chief of Staff, the Air Chief of Staff, the position of your aid the camp, personal security and Chef d'Etat Major Particulier etc should all be first class loyals of the King. 3) You support any initiative regarding the ending of the King's imprisonment that means if for example He buys a ticket and want take a plane at the International of Niamey you help Him entering the plane for going back home as recently He was preventing entering the Aeroport of Niamey for taking a flight to go back home under suspected ground of Him not having a passport whereas the British Prince Heir to the Throne does not travel with passport it is forbidden to him, and He comes in Niger 37 years without passport as He should go back. 4) You do everything to have Prince Charles' receiving any part of his assets from Nigerien banks or other banks as he is preventing receiving a single coin of his asset. As result he is condemning to live in horrible conditions without even the basic sometimes. Thus before the 100 days of your presidency you help (by using your influence) the King receives at least £10 million from his assets for example through the bank Bagri that he owns. 5) If the King requests to meet you for discussing any matter you agree and make it happen in the next hours. 6) The King decides for the 70% shares or the different advantages his campaign funding give him. 7) The King is ready to give you any necessary support for your election and all his loyals in Niger and all over the world will give you any necessary help and assistance for your election. 8) It will be a campaign funding of 10 billion CFA that will be given to 'an adoc commission' by the bank Ecobank in collaboration with the King's banks in UK HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank. The campaign funds will be given to a commission composes of 2 first class loyals representatives from Ecobank Niger (that will be chosen in collaboration with HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank), 2 first class loyals representatives from Carem Assurance Niger ; 3 first class loyals representatives from the King's personal lawyers in UK Ashurst, Linklaster and DLI Piper (one representative from each firm) ; 2 first class loyals representatives from World Vision Niger, 15 first class loyals representatives from campaign, 2 first class loyals representatives from the Chinese government. The commission will be leading by a person of your campaign elected by the commission; and the second head of the commission should be elected among the other representatives beside those of your campaign. The campaign funds cannot be spent once, and they will be spent such way to have your election, investiture and successful beginning of ruling. The commission will fund quickly every pertinent campaign spending. To fund well, your campaign, the second head of your campaign should be one loyals of the King among the representatives of World Vision and Carem Assurance. All the different sides of the commission are guarantees of the respects of the deal before and after your election, though the main guaranteers are the representatives of the Chinese government, World Vision, Carem Assurance and His lawyers each will take an equivalent of the total campaign fund from you that will be seized or for initiating any legal action in case of non respect of any of the terms of the deal. 10) You take the solemn engagement of doing everything to have the attenuation of the King's imprisonment before his release. B) General Terms You take the engagement to respect the following terms: 1. Consuming Prince Charles' network's products. 2. Having spread his values. 3. Militating in your continent, region and all over the world for the release of Prince Charles. 4. Putting your country in the perspective of King George VII : England (Great Britain). 5. As candidate and once President, you do not recognize at all the false princesses and princes of the British Royal Family as Prince William, Prince Harry as members of the British Royal Family. You Only recognize Prince Charles as the only son of Queen Elizabeth II under this title the only legal and legitimate Heir to the British Throne then you recognize officially Prince Charles as the current English (British) King, King George VII as Queen Elizabeth II passed aways on October 21, 2019. 9. Protecting, defending and make the promotion of King George VII's (Prince Charles) legacy after his death. If he comes to pass away before his evacuation or gaining his freedom or before the resumption of his duty (after he was free), not accepting any hiding of his death, by among many usurping his identity in profit of someone else. You express as candidate, President, or a politician officially your condolences to the British Subjects. You demand his burial close to the grave of his father, King George VI as he expressed that clearly as his wish. 10. You create a rapprochement of Niger to Commonwealth so that in the future it integrates the organization. NB: Below follow a summary of who Prince Charles is: Charles Arthur George Philippe appelé Prince Charles est née le 30 Août 1981 de la Reine Élisabeth II et du Prince Philippe. Je suis le seul et unique fils du Prince Philippe et de la Reine Élisabeth II sous influence de la classe politique américaine qui ne veut pas que je la succède. Avant même ma naissance, dés l'ascension d’Élisabeth II au trône; ils préparèrent mon emprisonnement en sélectionnant en Afrique ou ils planifient de me garder des personnes ressemblant à mes parents qui vont me détenir. Le 13 Avril 1983 de façon presque manu militari, Élisabeth II m'avait prit de mon jardin d'enfant Cheam dans le Sud de l'Angleterre et me transporta en Amérique, Californie ou nous fumes hébergé dans le ranch de Ronald Reagan, d’où je fus transporté le 28 Septembre 19 83 en Virginie ou se tient alors le sommet du G7. A la fin du sommet avec les leaders du G7 nous fumes un voyage officiel au Niger pour assister à la Cure Sallé, d’où nous continûment à Diffa ou nous fumes hébergé dans le ranch de Toukounous. Le 7 Octobre elle me laissa avec mes gardes du corps et ceux des leaders des pays du G7 sous prétexte d'une visite dans la région. Le 9 et 12 Octobre elle m'appela, la dernière fois elle m'a dit qu'elle est rentré de toute urgence à Londres pour une affaire très urgente, et me demanda de ne pas m'en faire mes gardes du corps et ma gouvernant Deborah Wilford me ramènera à Londres. Ils quittèrent tous avant le 27 Octobre ou Élisabeth II et les leaders du G7 appelèrent leurs hommes pour les demander de changer d'approche à mon égard, et d'adopté une approche similaire à celui d'une détention arbitraire. Le même jour, Hassane Sylla et Iren Samson furent mis devant pour me garder sous les fausses apparence d'un couple marié tandis que les autres gardes du corps sont arrangé ainsi dans les maisons environnantes, mes gardes du corps étaient mis en minorité. Rapidement ils commencèrent a me gazer et m'intoxiquer pour me noircir superficiellement la peau et effacer ma mémoire. Le 6 Décembre, ils me transportèrent à Dosso ou ils me gardèrent en gardant la même organisation décrite ci dessus. Le 25 Décembre Iren Samson me brûla la cuisse gauche tandis que Hassane Sylla me garda et les autres hommes barricadèrent la maison pour empêcher que je puisse être aidé; pour briser ma fierté princière mais aussi pour demander aux Britanniques de cesser de les mettre la pression pour demander la libération de leur Prince Héritier, et aussi pour humilier les Britanniques à travers leurs Prince Héritier. Le 4 Janvier 1984, ils me transportèrent à Niamey ou il me gardèrent à coté de l'Ecogar Wadata avant de me transféré à Poudrière en 1986, ou le 7 Avril 1987 lorsque je devins un enfant mature (conscient) il commencèrent à me laisser sortir de la maison. En 1989 Hassane Sylla me fabriqua un faux extrait d'acte de naissance et faux certificat de nationalité contre l'avis même des autres acteurs de notre détention illégal. Depuis 1983, nous somme gardé par les même gardes du corps qui obéissent aux ordres de leurs présidents et ambassadeurs. Étant gardé dans un ex colonie française tous les gardes du corps et acteurs de notre emprisonnent sont sous l'autorité primaire de l'ambassade française, qui représente tous les autres pays qui quoique ayant des ambassades, cette dernières ont en réalité très peu de pouvoir. Par exemple les visas des autres pays sont émit par l'ambassade de France. En 1990, je fut inscrit à l'école primaire Nouveau Carré sous le nom criminel de Issoufou Hassane, que Hassane essaya de me collé. Dans le faux extrait d'acte de naissance qu'il écrit de sa propre main, je fus décrit comme étant née de lui et d'Iren Samson, le 28 Septembre 1983. Hassane Sylla est un Guinéen de Conakry qui reconduit seulement son prénom de Hassane mais pas son nom sur les faux document, et Iren Samson une camerounaise a qui il attribut le nom de Biba Soumana. Le 12 Août 1983, ils me changèrent de prison de Poudrière à Wadata non loin de la Mosquée Koweït, avec toujours Sylla et Ms Samson devant alors que les autres son derrière. Ils restèrent toujours sous le contrôle de l'ambassade de France, de Russie, Amérique, des autorités Nigérienne, d’Élisabeth II et de leurs pays. Toutes fois c'est l'Amérique qui utilisa son influence pour que tout les pays engagé dans notre détention illégal joue un rôle de dedans. Graduellement ils amenèrent des enfants conçus avec les semences des membres de ma famille pour cacher ma détention arbitraire dans le carcan d'une fausse famille. Ms Fati conçu de la Comtesse Sophie et du Prince Edward fut amené en 1983, en 1987 deux faux jumeaux Ms Nafissa et Mr Amadou fut conçu du Prince Andrew et d'Iren John. Ms Nafissa fut amené en 1987 et Mr Amadou fut gardé en état végétatif avant d’être amené en 1989, en 1997 Mr Adamou conçu du Prince de Galle et de la Comtesse Sophie fut amené. Ces enfants furent utilisé pour me faire parler avec mes geôliers, spécialement Ms Fati, alors qu'avant dut aux humiliations et tortures qu'ils m'ont fait dans les années antérieur à 1997, je ne parle même pas, si ce n'est pour quelques choses de très important. Je continua mon primaire à Wadata II et le CM2 au Croix Rouge; je fus le collège au CEG10 et la 3éme à Famaye Wadata ou j'obtiens le brevet d'étude; au Lycée Municipal, je fus la Seconde et la Première que je redoubla, avant de passer en 2003 pour la Terminal que je la fus au Sonni Ali Ber, ou j'obtins mon bac D; en ce moment j’étais à l’Aéroport ou je fus transféré le 5 Juin 2001. Là; bas jusqu'à présent je suis gardé par les même gardes du corps dans une maison encerclé alors qu'ils sont principalement dans une tour avec la gendarmerie national du Niger, en complicité avec les autorités Nigériennes; les autres gardes du corps sont aussi disposé dans deux autres tours d’obédience Britannique et américaine. Ils ont des armes très sophistiqué telles que des drones, des caméras et des lasers avec les quels ils me brûlèrent quelques fois. Dés que je devins un enfant conscient mature en 1987, je ne pense qu'a retourné chez moi, j' utilisa les études comme moyens pour retourné chez moi avec une bourse d'étude à l’extérieure ou un travail me permettant d’acheter un ticket. Mais l'ambassade américaine et ses complices m’empêchèrent de trouver un diplôme avec une bonne moyenne me permettant de trouver la bourse désiré à part au certificat d'étude primaire ou ayant vue mon désire ardant de retourner qui a tourné à la dépression ils m'ont laissé avoir une bonne moyenne pour que je puisse faire le concourt d'enfant de troupe avec lequel ils voulurent me suggéré que je ne suis pas emprisonné; ils peuvent me laisser les quitté, rentré chez moi; mais bien sure ils mon fait échoué au concourt en 1996. Je passai le brevet d'étude et le baccalauréat au second groupe, du coup cela m'écartais de beaucoup bourses. Toutefois il y avait cette année 2004 la bourse Canadienne à la quelle je pouvais postulé. Malgré l''excellence de mon dossier je ne fus jamais sélectionné . Ou du moins malgré mes allés régulièrement à l'ANAB je ne vus jamais la liste des personne sélectionné , s'il il y en a bien sure une. L'ANAB qui était tellement stratégique était devenue une agence SDF, toujours situé dans une zone ou l’Amérique et ces allié avait beaucoup d'influence, cette année il était à coté du Lycée Français la Fontaine, la même école ou enseignait les personnes dirigeants ma détention illégal au Niger. C'est sont ces même personne qui étaient des Américains d'origines Française, Britannique, Espagnol, Italienne, Russes mixage entre tous les pays derrière ma détention au Niger pour le compte de l’Amérique. C'est sont ces même personnes qui travaillent dans la super ambassade, l'ambassade de France à Niamey. Je fus contraint de faire MP (Math Physique) à la Faculté des Sciences ou je fus empêché de passer la première année , ensuite je m'inscrivis au Département d'Anglais de la Faculté des Sciences, des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines, ou je rêvais d'avoir un diplôme avec lequel je pouvais faire le Fulbright (le programme de bourse d'étude aux États Unis) me permettant de me rendre de l'Amérique à partir du quel je planifiai de me rendre chez moi, à Londres. Mais l'université de Niamey fut façonné depuis sa création en 1974 comme instrument pour me maintenir au Niger. Dés 1996, ou je pensai à mes parents et voulais impatiemment rentré chez moi, l'ambassade américaine et ses complices ont utilisé leurs agents pour me faire connaître l'université, l'institution éducatif à atteindre si je veux avoir un bon travaille me permettant d'acheter le fameux billet d'avion avec lequel je devais me rendre chez moi. Leurs objectif était de me faire laver le cerveau pour que je puisse supporter ma détention illégal jusqu'à l'université. Je ne pouvais pas passer MP car la faculté de Science et son annexe la faculté d'Agronomies (en faculté d'Agronomie il n'y a que les aux délas de l'année de licences, les premières et seconde année d'Agronomie sont en Faculté de Science) était façonné pour être contrôler par l'ambassade américaine. L'IRSH et la FSJ sont aussi sous l'influence de l'Amérique. C'est la FLSH, l'EMIG et la Faculté de Médecine qui sont sous le contrôle de l'ambassade Française. Actuellement l'université de Niamey, spécialement la FLSH en collaboration avec la Faculté d'Agronomie ou je me rend pour mes recherche au Cyber de l'UVA sont engagé dans une campagne méthodique visant à ruiner toutes mes initiatives dans mon combat visant à retourné chez moi, en envoyant mes diplômes du Département d'Anglais avec les faux noms pour dire que je ne suis pas Prince Charles mais Issoufou Hassane, dans n'importe qu'elle institution ou je planifiais de me rendre. Je fus empêché de faire le Fulbright avec le DUEL (diplôme du 2eme année d'Anglais) je fus empêché d'avoir une bonne moyenne. En 2011, je réussi à faire le test sans pour autant être admis comme je le devais, au regard de ma préparation, et ma maîtrise de la langue Anglaise qui est ma langue maternelle. Je cherchais en 2011 un travail avec ma Licence qui me fut refusé par la même ambassade américaine; malgré mes qualifications. J'obtiens en 2013 au CSP Succée quelques heures d'enseignement me permettant même pas d'avoir le basique, me nourrir. En 2015 j'obtins mon Master II en Langue Anglaise, Littérature et Civilisation. Aussitôt en 2017, j’enlevai les voiles couvrant mon histoire avec toutes les preuves nécessaire, je fus sans aucune explication limogé du CSP Relance Aéroport ou j'avais une seul classe, me rapportant difficilement 10, 000 CFA le moi. Depuis, lors je me bas pour rentrer chez moi, mettre fin aux tortures, humiliations, et échappé au tentatives de meurtres pressente. Signed by Prince Charles, Niamey, Niger December 8, 2020. Tel: 0022796078787/84731521 Email: mroger981@gmail.com

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Porter Plainte

Deposition Porter Plainte contre l'Ambassade américaine au Niger, Oscar Wild, et l'Airport International de Niamey pour : 1. Fabrication de faux extrait d'acte de naissance, et certificats de nationalité 2. Détention arbitraire 3. Diffamation 4. Torture et mutilation 5. Acharnement financier, 6. Empechement de voyager 7. Tentative de meurtre Toute fois contenue du fait que certain de ces acteurs sont engangé dans une course contre la montre pour nous assassiner raison qui nous poussa a tout faire pour retourné chez nous de toute urgence, voilà pourquoi nous aimerons que vous vous penchez de toute urgence sur l'empechement de voyage dont l'Airport Diori Hamani est coupable a notre égard en vue de trouver une solution urgente a cela. 1. Dans le but de cacher notre détention arbitraire Oscar Wild nommé faussement Hassane Issaka, s'est fait a lui et a ntore personne illégalement des faux documents d'identité Nigérien des faux certificat de naissance et de nationalités sous l'instigation de l'ambassade américaine au Niger. Alors que tout les autres acteurs engagés dans notre détention illégal ne veulent et n'envisagent de nous associer a aucune autre identité même fause, si ce n'est le notre. Ils nous gardaient au Niger provisoirement au Niger, avant de nous ramener chez nous en 1989. Mais l'Amerique milita et obtint que nous soyons maintenu au Niger au dela de 1989, alors que les autres acteurs tel que la France, la Russie, le Niger, et l’Irlande étaient contre cela. Detention arbitraire Nos gardes du corps et ceux des leaders des pays du G7 nous entourant pour assurer notre securité mais l’Amérique milita pour qu'ils nous torturent, humilient et essaye de nous tuer. A l'age de 6 ans quand nous atteignons l'age de la conscience enfatille partout ou nous partons en ville; elle nous fait entouré par personnes qu'elles recrutement pour nous humilier, torturer et essayé de nous tuée. La même ambassade américaine obtient des gardes du corps nous gardant qu'elle nous humilient, tortures etc. 3. Diffamation Touts les acteurs de notre séjour prolongé sont responsables d'insulte, et d'humiliations a notre egrds et celui de notre Royaume sous l'instigation de la même représentation diplomatique américaine. MR Oscar nous humilie constamment pour la même ambassade. Tandis qe l’Aéroport International quoique informé de notre visite, nous demande un document qu'un Prince Héritier Britannique qui d'ailleurs meme depuis la mort de sa mére le 21 Octobre 2019 est Roine doit pas avoir pour voyager, pour parler en l’occurrence de passeport. A chacune de nos deux visites le 15 et 22 Septembre on nous posa indiferement la meme question. 4. Torture et Mutilation Si l'Aeroport de Niamey n'est pas resposable de mutilation au sense propre du terme a notre egard, elle est clairement responsable de tortures a notre egard. Sinon comment appélé notre premiere tentative de rentrer chez nous refusé à l'entré de l'Aeroport alors que nous nous voyons deja chez nous et que nous avons informé nos proches.Nous passons des moment long et dure de deceptions et d'anxiété lier a ce refus illegal. Lors de notre derniere tentative la torture fut on peut clair. Aprés nous avoir refuser l'entré de l'Aeroport les agents de securités de l'Aeroport nous demanderent d'attendre le chez d'escale de Turkish Airlines pour avoir d'ample informtion sur le vol qu'ils pretendent avoir quité plus tot que prevus. Nous passames plus d'une heure debout à la porte de l'Aeroport le Monsieur qui n'arriva toujours pas, nos pieds commencerent a tremblé de ftigue, tandis qu'etait assit acoté de nous un agent de securité royalement sans aucun respet pour le peuble Britannique dont le Roi etait debout, et sans a aucun moment nous proposé de nous ascoir. C'est seulement le second policier qui le releva qui nous demanda de nous ascoir. Avant la releve les deux nous torpiller indirectement a travers une conversation bien filtré. Il nous torpilaient sur notre miserable conditions de vie et plus precisement sur la souffrance que nous povons rescentir pour avoir manger un sale plat sans aucun ingredient si ce n'est du riz, de l'huile et de l'arome. 5. Acharnement financier Oscar Wild, enfant ne nous donna que XOF 50 lorsque nous partons à l'ecole meme pas assez pour avoir un modest petit dejeuner. Si nous ne partons pas a l'ecole nous n'avons pas de petit dejeuner, je demande le petit dejeuner Mr Oscar me demande de prendre le plat pauvre de mais et d'herbe qu'ils ont preparé la veuille, ou la boullie, que j'avais déjà mangé ou bu la veuille. Il boit la même bouillie quelques fois le matin, mais ne mangea jamais la nourriture deux fois chauffé, alors que le message est clair c'est soit vous manger cela ou vous mourrez de faim ou rester sans manger, voilà pourquoi il buva cela. Lorsque nous obtenons notre Licence en 2009 la meme Ambassade Americaine nous empecha d'avoir un travail meme humanitaire, alors que le besoin est la, il a fallu 2012 pour que nous obtenons quelques d'enseignement qui nous donne meme pas assez pour subvenir a nos besoins basics, et en 2017 aussitôt que nous obtenons toutes les preuvres de l'injestice dont nous sommes victimes et commenca veritablement pour notre liberation, ils nous limogerent. Des le debut de not enseignement en 2012 l'Ambassade americaine fait tout pour que les ecoles ou nous enseignames ne nous paid rapidement. Pire la meme ambassade nous empechames lorsque nous etions enfant notre staff et gestionnaire de fortune de nous contacter, et lorsque apres des années de bataille nous fumes en contact avec notre fortune, elle nous empeche de toucher les documents d'envois montrant que nous avons recus de l'argent de nos banques et compagnies a travers son control de nos moyens de communication, les boites postal, electronique et appele telephonique. Ainsi lorque nous nous rendons aux banques locales pour retirer les sommes que nous envoyames nous meme a travers d'autre banques, ces banques refusent de nous donnez l'argent sous pretext que nous n'avons pas d'evidence montrant que de l'argent nous a a eté vendu, tout en clairement affirmé avoir recus largement avec des messages codes que je comprend facilement. C'est ainsi que jusqu'à present nous ne recevons pas les £10000 que notre banque Ecobank Ghana à travers se filiale au Niger our meme des autres £10, 000 que nous recevons a travers Western Union de la meme banque au Ghana. BOA refusa toujours de nous donner les £10000 que sa banque sœur au Ghana nous avoyames.Toutes ces banques refusent de nous payer pour la mem ambassade americaine utilisaant des chars circulant sur le chemin venant de camps militaire qu'il controlent pour les menacer. Des fois elle utilisent meme des mercenaires circulant sur des motos avec de la viande saignante de vache ou de mouton pour menacer les memes banques, elle fait cela alors que que toutes les lois et reglement du pays sont contrôle le transport dans de telle condition non hygeniques le transport de viande de consumption.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Collective harakiri

March 18, 2020.

We remember that, the viral attack done by the King's network on America (China a country of the King's network retaliates to the viral attack America does on it it) .
. The latter, to reduce the impact on its economy attacked with the same virus its European allies that it made its rivals. Days back at the greatest surprise of all America decided to close its borders to its EU citizens. Of course one will say so that the European countries would not retaliate to the viral aggression.

The black Monday (two Mondays black) American stock market has crashed thing that destroyed the American economy. The country needs cash money, fruit of real work but no groundless money manufactured by governments. America had alienated all its partners from China to South Korea all affected by the viral attacks as well. EU needs all money to stabilize the terrible effect of the locking down of its economy because that is the logical consequence of shutting down countries. You need to go outside for buying, and the shops and super markets need to be opened for you to buy even.

King George VII gave France £300 billion to fight the virus. It proposed to help it with £1 trillion credible and, work produce money at the conditions of the Union fight for the attenuation of his imprisonment, release and crowning. The EU chooses to go with its attackers manipulated by defeated cartel through; America and the remaining G7 countries which for the essential are EU members and the defeated cartel countries. Together they decided to manufactured enough billion as they needed without them producing it from work. We all remember that the defeated cartel is totally broken. That measure does not work because it destroys their economies. But they forget the current world order and economy is leading by the king countries: Russia, China, Iran. They will not along with the remaining countries of the world consumes groundless money from EU, but instead will demand corporations money in their transactions with the EU and America. That will destroy their economies .

   Indeed that will simply destroy their economies because the countries that decided to leave the same economic system they set to the world with the complicity of the remaining countries whic beside Russia a super power do not matter as small economies. It is then the world configuration has totally changed with the non G7 countries, no more the most powerful countries. In fact all the world super greatest economies that created wealth are not in G7 but out of it. Those countries are China, Russia, Nigeria, South Africa, Brazil, India, Saudi Arabia, Mexico in one the Bric. Those countries beside China which is a little bit affected by the viral attack from which it is bouncing back and will bounce back as its wealth is work produce; are almost not affect by the viral attack. Its economy quickly will increase its production rate and replace the miss to win resulting from the viral attack.

    In fact with Europe, US, Canada, Australia close to the world, Chinese corporations will quickly take the market that was occupied by them. Even after closing their borders to the world, they still want the world to fund their luxurious life train while their citizens are sleeping and relaxing in their homes instead of working under the pretext of protecting themselves.

On the other hand, we are far from the 1960s where world countries are in their majority recently independent and America through their former colonizers UK, France and Spain controls those countries armies and force them to fund its life style by buying their debts and bonds without thinking about their own interests. In fact the two countries that can give such option a small and limited success is Great Britain, and France as the greatest former colonizers and both countries though participated in the deal are only 20% part of it, that means they consume 20% of the paper free money. They, decide willing to protect themselves that is why, they put work produced money. For UK, King George VII is the one that decided for such important matter and he said it clearly by no way his Kingdom will participate from far or close in such destructive matter for the Kingdom. Everything Mr Boris promises he does it for himself not for, the Kingdom. Our Kingdom is quite less affected by the viral attack its economy is almost not affect by it as there is not locking down. We do not need to lost our times in transforming papers in banknotes (thing that will destroy our economy if,we do it) instead of working to earn that money. But, we will profit of this massive shutting down to sell to our continental cousins products they need and cannot satisfy the demand due to the viral attack.

In fact fabrication of not work produce money will not work as the rise of China, Nigeria India etc show the weakening of the colonial power influence on them. It shows them enough independent to defend their interests in the new world order post Berlin wall fall, post 2001 and 2008. They, can defend their interests without any concession to their former colonial power.

The best example of the failure of such project is Saudi Arabia though a great Ally of America will not accept such plan. The oil price is low, it needs credible money to buy weapons and to have American favor and,will not use the few money remains to it to by buying American credit or bonds; when the countries is at indefinite holiday and do no more have the global power to be useful to it. It is leaving the middle east for Iran which is right now the leader of Muslim. It controls all the Key countries in the region. This is without Saudi Arabia.

India as well will not accept this money in its transactions with America with products its citizens suffer to produce. In fact the relation between the two countries has never been worst for two reasons : Iran and Pakistan. India refuses not to buy the oil its economy needs for American sanctions, especially when the Iranian oil is cheap. Pakistan, because America support the latter in its conflict with India regarding Cashmere.

Before even this viral attack, countries as China, Russia, India and Iran almost totally abandoned the dollars cheating based economic order where the world is paying the luxurious Americans life style without them working. For example days back Russia blocked the convertibility of its currency especially in dollar. Before even that it does the major party of its exchanges in its currency or yuan.
Such move all will only destroy the EU's and American economies. For example that will force the world countries to avoid buying the few products they still produce as resulting from an input of cheating money. It will lead to the lost of values of the dollar and Euro independently even to the intrinsic lost of convertibility values but the world refusal to use them in their economic exchanges. In fact it will systematically destroy their economy as the culture of work to earn money is destroying, the population will no more invent and innovate things that are quite bad for them.
King George VII asks all his corporations, banks and countries in his influence not to take such money their transactions with them; but to only take money they can trace as coming from the production of a corporations, then work produce money.
  As unthinkable as that is the defeated cartel is using the same Boris Johnson on whom they have some influence and especially Prital Patel who is their pupate to spread the coronavirus in UK and having it killed the British, when the virus is a friendly one.  They introduce endless of their secret agents in the Kingdom to contaminat" the British with the virus and gas them so that their organism becomes weak to the virus and die of it. 
    It is to be noted that the defeated cartel though stupid did not engage its first class control countries in the manufacturing of the cheating money. We mean here Australia and Canada that shows it knows clearly the huge consequences of such practice. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Finally he got the coat that frees!

March 17,  2020.

   For almost 7 months King George VII was looking an exchange of less £5 to buy a modest coat, second hand cost. Such kind of coat costs £1. But the defeated cartel made as a matter of death and life preventing him having exchange of few coins for buying the coat. We all remember after weeks of fight of him and his loyals he had an exchange of £5. Not enough to buy trousers and coats when he went that midday of December 22, 2019 at the market "grand marché de Niamey" and bought the following trousers:

Below is on the King the second trouser he bought on this picture of him yesterady in the City Annexe of the UAM campus close to the space wifi.

                       Below another picture the same day.

Below is the King today in the same Space Wifi of Cité Annexe wearing the coat he bout at £1.5 at the same market of Niamey. 


   The King spent all yesterday's afternoon searching a good coat in the grand marché de Niamey, he couldn't find one the different countries jailing him hide all the coats sellers. The only coats they let him see; it is the same effort of bullying him and his Kingdom by showing good second hand coat but at a price which are largely above the market's price for such second coat. The King jailed in inhuman conditions did not have the mean to buy brand new coat. Though he had the money, it is impossible for him to find a real and good new coat due to the same degrading and inhuman incarceration with which even with his money, he cannot buy an article of his choice.  

    It is after spending hours riding in the market in vain that while leaving the market at its gate I found that coat from a sellor under the influence of my network in England. The brand of the coat is even England. 

    As I was leaving the market I saw a car of my loyals in Scotland around Chris Elliot (of course they are not first loyals of the King as Msr Elliot was not first class loyals of the King, then logically those around her weren't. The same Msr Elliot has been awarded of a medal by the defeated cartel to collaborate in the King's imprisonment and even killing attempt. She received it in Buckingham Palace). Though of course, my loyals around her never abandon their King). telling me I could have an Aiga cars that go to the imprisonment area Aeroport at a good price.  Few yards from there a young apprentice of one of those mini bus asked me if I was going to Aeroport I told him, no because of course I have around £1.5 that left after buying the coat; though I could take the bus which fee is £1/5 I refused to take it as with it my small money will be dramatically low. Then I told him, I am not going to Aeroport but to the preceding neighbourhood of Aeroport named Talajé. And I told him, I would take the bus for there, if he would bring me at half the price. He answered me if I don't have change, he would. 

    On the way to Aeroport, close to the rail station of Niamey there was a young man asked by the corporation (Bolloré) active in the King's imprisonment to stand in defient way close to the road with a red trouser and green shirt and yellow sandals. His entire body with the dress and the yellow shoes which is symbol of prescibing killing, was used my the corporation's agents to ask that the apprentice of the bus to play it unfriendly and disrecpectfully toward the King. While the bus come close to Talajé a bus of the corporation over passed the Aiga in which I was to show its determination in that. Thus when the King reach Talajé as he was going to Aeroport by continuing the remaining distance on foot something like 30 minutes from the jail. I asked the bus to drop me at around 200 yards from the last stop of Talajé. As I was leaving the bus from there as asked the apprenticed get out from the other side of the bus and come toward me agressively telling me that I said I would drop at Talajé when there was another area. He was saying that by touching once my hand in a disrespectful way. I told him  but Talajé was just over there, after all  it is the same as the border between Talajé and Aeroport, though the place is named differently but still it is Talajé neigbhourhood. And he could tell me before we reach there the end of Talajé that I said I would drop,  if he didn't logically me for me the place is the continuty of  Talajé.

   It is to be added that the bus station I took the Aiga is in the control of the American network, and my loyal in England negotiate them to bring me there at friendly place, they agree at the condition of them may playing it disrespectfully toward the King, if the other countries jailing the King agrees, to which my loyals said of course said yes on the principle, but is totally against that. But they accepted it for them to bring me there. Effectively on the road as soon as Bolloré car passed, that of my network passed to mean they are against disrecpecting their King and still they continue in attempt doing it. 

   But they did not disprect the King like this without goal, or with any apprentice or bus. The same bus since 2017 almost every single day I leave the house in which I am jailing follow me and its apprentice the same that disrespected me asked me aggressively and disrespectfully if I am going to Aeroport. I do not even answer to him usualy. They take another way, and stop at another place that I passed while heading to market of Aeroport for taking the bus or continue on foot to the Campus. 

    Some days more than 5 places the same bus was made stopping my way and ask me the same question, to which I did not answer. It was only once recently I was fed up by their harrassements and told to the young, that just few minutes I told you I was not taking the bus and you ask me the same question. Of course the bus have cameras that filmed the King from the gate of the jail at around 10 yards from which the same bus stopped waiting me. The bus belongs to the American agents engage in the King's imprisonment and is always full of americans agents they intend to use as false witnesses to attempt cover up the King's sacrilege.

 They daily and systematically film the King for attempting later on the way, if they come to kill the King to cover up his death with the American fuse politics of Joseph Hassane. Indeed since the begining of the imprisonment of the King in  1983 America for the defeated cartel is attempting killing the King to cover up his death so that the British and the world do not know the killing of their King jailed in Niger. America deciding to do so, knowing that it will clearly lead to word war which which he will be the main front of the war and will be totally destroy, as the King's loyals promise it. In attempt killing the King, America was destroyed by the 9/11 attack, by Catrina and endless attacks attributed falsely to terrorists attacks, and endless tragedies attributed to natural disaster as cyclone and wild fire as the recent one in California when the country was bombed with nuclear bombs by the King's loyals in s to their killing attempts of the King still they continue. More than ever America's economy is destroyed and the country is in ireversible recession born of the same killing attempt of the King with the viral attack.

   After leaving the bus and walking on foot in the jail, I found the same agents of the bus in the jail of Aeroport: the driver and the same apprentice that disrespected me dressed as two of Bolloré's agents in my imprisonment respectively Yacouba Grouza and his son Naser.  It is to be added that Mr Gourouza was dead. The driver and his apprentices wore hyper realistic silicone masks and body suit to play criminallly their characters. Then the same agents that transported him close to Aeroport were introduce in the jail he was incarceration. Then they could proceed in the killing attempt of the King as Bolloré  under which control Yacouba Gourouza and his son were,  would collaborate in saying it was they, who saw him in the jail, when it is false. They planed to attempt covering the King 's killing with those false witnesses (of course they just attempt in vain as the King's last wish is as soon as dead to be declared dead officially and bury close to the grave of his father, in London). Few minutes after those agents left the jail they gas the King with a nerve agent and he spends all the night with heart pain. They seek to kill him with heartattack.

 Read some fascinating article about hyper realistic masks:
1. https://www.technology.org/2019/11/24/can-you-tell-between-a-real-human-face-and-a-hyper-realistic-mask-it-is-becoming-more-difficult/
2. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s41235-018-0118-3
3. https://newseu.cgtn.com/news/2020-02-02/Can-you-tell-the-difference-between-a-real-human-face-and-a-mask--NI1xdfC7Cg/index.html

5.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhNFYZGQsHk

    King George VII is planing to wear this coat and take a plane for London on April 15, after he postpone the trip that that he initialy shedule on March 15 due to the fact he did not have the few coins needed to buy the coat. Now it remains to buy shoes, at least 10 times the cost of the coat. He is fighting to have the money.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Not workable !

March 16, 2020.

  In the face of the dark Wednesday financial crash born from the coronavirus pandemic ravaage in America, the American Federal Reserve said ready to pay American debts. How workable is such option? This should have as logical consequence the fall of the values of the American dollar, and creating a huge economic crisis for America. The all come as a student who chased from school, self evaluate himself by elaborating a friendly test; treat and correct it himself; and still want the competent administrations and parties in need of a qualified person for a task to take it as credible test for testing his competence.

 Already, since 1974 decision of non convertability of the dollar, many criticised American economic model that they said is based on cheating rather than on  the real economic performances of American economy. That means simply the American federale government will give money to Americans to live without producing it through their work, and still want the world population to take this money as real and credible money. 

   Many persons have made the connexion between Mr Nixon 1975 decision and the 2008 financial crisis that they said not born only from 9/11. But they declared it was the consequences of 1975 famous decision which with the fall of Berlin war and the end of the Soviet Union cannot go longer for the US without dramatic consequences. Since the fall of the wal, there is no rivalry between West and East, for the Western world to accept giving free hand to America to sip their citizens' work, with a currency not relying on work, but only  on its status of standard money, which is in other word a currency supported by the others work, rather than Americans work. 

   Such model needs a strong rivalry and without East West feud,  it does not work. (Beside also needed a great and inconstated super power and influence to assure such money, things that America does not any longer have since 9/11 and 2008 economic crisis, without talking about the current dramatic evolution of the geopolitical situation with the rise of new super power as Russia, Iran, China, India etc. )  Especially when America destroy its relation with big economies as Saudi Arabia who after the 9/11 feud reduces its buying of American debts and bonds, beside the global Middle islamic world who did the same with the systematic  nurture wave of anti islamic feeling creating by Mr  Bush's administration. The famous croisade....

  Right now, the situation is far worst for America, for it,  to use such unworkable solution especially after alleniated all its partners that use to buy its obligations. We mean here, China with which it is in economic war. South Korea destroy by the viral attack which even before the virus was is in feud with America regarding the country demanding to pay its security that America is assuring for its interest. Japan, neither cannont help, its economy is destroy by the coronavirus and before even that China pumps its markets and takes its place as second economy. It has also a old population to maintain an industrial economy.  

   It remains then Europe, with the Mr Trump administration the continent has more than ever understands that its interests demand it to be far of America and go with China, especially with Donald Trump massive taxations of European goods. Sign of the big and unrepairable reparation of the damage of the relation, with the first country affected highly by the viral attack, which America itself was carry out on its past allies, Mr Trump set a traveling ban between America and the continent. Who can think such thing possible? For the European America should have been the last country to leave and turn the back, no matter how worst the situation was. They even evoke NATO with the inconditional support of each in case of aggression. It is the virus is a viral attack, and the very country which should be at the front of the defense of NATO's countries are behind it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Kill him, we are ready to replace him by another person

March 11, 2020
  Do you know that wherever the King goes their agents following him to replace the King by a person who wears a superficial mask in case they come to kill him? They are persons recruited in Niger or around and who are trained to behave as him. 

  It is undoubtedly in the bus of the campus that this politics of inciting to have the King killed for replacing him by an usurper of his identity is done systematically and without any respect to the King, his Kingdom and loyals. To the King and their accomplices criminals they use their agents to tell them through simple code that they can kill him by shooting him while in the bus if they want, they have lot of his doubles in the bus to carry immediatly a superficial masks of him and acted as he is not dead. 

On March 9 while in the bus going to the campus after living Aeroport a female student is put with this watch at her finger to mean kill him if you want we are ready to replace him by an usurper of his identity. The bus is full of such men. The woman stands less than 1 yard in front of me. 

In this picture I was looking her surprise by their shameful and defiance gesture of putting an agent to invite their accomplices to kill the King. 

                      King George VII in the space wifi of UAM this morning.

                    King George VI

                                  Queen Elizabeth II and King George VI, my parents.

King George VII position is clear, he is against any usurpation of his identy, dead he should and will be reported immediatly as so, and his wish remain the same being buried close to the grave of his father, King George VI.  There are currently 38 years every single day they attempt killing him.

                                        The Tudor's crown.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Supreme mockery. Nothing can’t be more hurtful (15 things you don't know about the King's imprisonment)

March 10, 2020.

  Then Prince Charles and his mother, Queen Elizabeth II (1983 pictures few days before his imprisonment)

Jailed in a house hide by agents control by foreign representations who ask them to behave toward him as mercenaries; gather in pattern of cover up false family, the enemies of the King launched a propaganda intending to present his guards as his parents.    Nothing can’t be more painful. The all being to mock him; through him his Kingdom, his loyals and all inhabitants of the world fighting for justice. The all is as morally wrong, shocking, and shameful as refusing to believe the Nazi genocide. Those persons are doing such baseless thing when the King is in the middle of the incarceration and is more than ever suffering of it.

Below are 15 things you don't about the King's incarceration and that proves as well his imprisonment if needed:

1. The imprisonment neighborhood Aeroport is barricaded with military tanks. No one enters in it without being their custodian agents.  The around one million inhabitants of Aeroport know the King’s face by heart, they are trained to interact or see the King and hide their interaction or prior deep knowledge of him. They do not let come close or speak to him their agents they do not trust. They were hidden when they see the King' s coming in an area. With the new technology of filming by distance as the  satellites, spy phones and their agents the confinement town Niamey is like a point on a map for them.  Their control is so strict at extant when they declare a person dead to him, he is almost dead for him as they will hide the person.  At the entrance of Aeroport the goods are checking, any healthy good, food or anything enter it without being checked and edited to put harmful products. When they say there is not a good as well spread and consume it is; there isn’t.  Every shop declares not having the good when as soon as the King turns his back they sell it publicly to their agents.
2. Before he took a road it is quarantined for normal circulation and it is only follow by their agents hide in civilians. 
3. The King age 38, with a Master II is preventing to have even an humanitarian job. When all his university mates with whom he studied jail have good jobs, huge salaries, cars, married with children.
4. Deter to have a job he is obliged to be in the the restraint jail in Aeroport neighborhood.  He does not have money to hire a flat in the extended jail, Niamey.
5. To superficially blacken the King, they put a great quantity of blackening antibiotics in the tap water. They put them in every water to which he has access. The quantity is so great at an extent that the water has a white milk colour. Then water plays an important role in the King's superficial blackening.
 6. They prevent him have a single coin even for exchange it needs a long fight to have exchange of XOF 1000 (£1) for which he gives them £1. 2 billion. He asked his loyals to give to their leaders the money from his assess.
7.  I am jailed without sentimental life. They prevent their agents to have a sentimental and sexual relation with me.
8. I am jailed isolated without any normal human contact. I am only surround by their agents that they hamper to have a normal human relation with me.  If I go close to them it is for them to use them to spread secret message to plot having me tortured. They also use them to gas and burn me with infrared for attempt killing me.  The same agents are using to bully me directly or indirectly by talking about anything that seem as the original matter.  Indeed, the King is jailing totally isolated and alone, though surround every second by their guards.
9. To transform Niger in their imprisonment country they banned any country to have its own independent diplomatic representation. All the representations are united and gathered in the French Embassy which is linked to the American Embassy. Each country has its own Embassy but important decision as regarding delivering of passports or visas are taken by the united representations. The passports and visas are given primarily on the ground of if they can jeopardize the confinement. The employees of the representations are selecting by the united representations.  The Nigerien representations all around the world are also composed with selected persons dedicated to the incarceration. The goal being not delivering the Nigerien visa, to a person that can reveal to the world the King’s custody. In one word, the King is not the only to be jailed all the the Nigeriens are imprisoned in their own country.    
10. If I was sick, they prevented clinic to treat me. They also use their influence to hamper me having a drug that cured. All the drugs are editing to remove the substance that heals or to add substance that sickened. When, they come up to treat the illness they give me another illness. Sometimes the medicines as the products are editing in the original plant of manufacturing. The doctors of all the clinic are replaced by their agents.     

  Then Prince Charles and his mother, Queen Elizabeth II (1983 pictures few days before his imprisonment)

11. All the books, movies, music I could have access are editing to put in the imprisonment perspective. In other words to maintain me incarcerated. In 36 years of imprisonment I never see or read an original book .They rewrite all the book I may come cross. They even write and publish false books for attempting to brain washing me accept the imprisonment.    
12. The recruited, trained and promoted musicians to maintain me jail by having them sing brainwashing songs. 
13. Until now they prevented me to see fellow white person. At an occasion or place a white person is compulsory they made a black  wears white mask to play the role.  Even in mask version I cannot see my British Subjects and especially English Subjects.       
14. Niger neighboring countries are transformed in first line barricades of the incarceration with the Barkhan forces which are essentially mercenaries intending to maintain me jail in Niger. Though the King's loyals ruin their plot they still maintain their men in Mali despite the regular and constant heavy death toll. This missions are for the essentially made of Swedish Canadians, Danishes, Norwegians.  The king confinement sunk all the neighboring countries in chaos. There are civil wars in Libya, Mali, Burkina, and Benin. There are situations close to civil wars in Nigeria, Tchad, a part of Niger with Boko Haram. Islamist terrorism and popular insurrection close to civil war in Algeria with hirak. All the Nigerien neighboring countries are playing the heavy price of this illegal, inhuman and degrading custody. 
15. The currency that circulated in the country are false (the official currency  of Niger CFA). The goal being to maintain the country enough poor such way it cannot become wealthy, independent to demand the end of the imprisonment in its territory. As result the country is the poorest country on the surface of earth; despite its huge natural resources coal, clay, gold and uranium of which it is the second seeing the first producer in the world. There is no real political opposition. Its President is nominated after a comedy election. It the candidate that serves the best the interests of the imprisonment that is chosen. They give to all the political leaders of the country names coming from the mixture of the kid brought to attempt hide my imprisonment, to show that the country is only dedicated to my incarceration. In Niger the opposition almost never complaints or condemns the incarceration.

“King George VII writes it”

Banzoum Mohamed's Campaign Funding Treaty

A- Basic Terms and General Details of the Deal It will be a campaign funding of 20 billion CFA that will be given ...